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  • Chinese Association of
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  • Editorial Board of
    China Journal of
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  • Publishing House,
    China Journal of
    Orthopaedics and Traumatology
    No.16A, Nanxiaojie, Dongzhimennei,
    Beijing 100700,China

Volume 16,Issue 10,2003 Table of Contents

Other Issues:  

Original articles

The effect of the changes of collagen texture of rabbit’s cervical cartilagous endplate on biomechanical properties of the cervical segmental motion[Abstract][PDF]

The interpretation on rule of lumbar malformation of lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion[Abstract][PDF]

The effect of bFGF, IGF on the proliferation and differentiation of bone mesenchymal stem cells in vitro culture[Abstract][PDF]

Clinical and basical investigation on the treatment of superior thoracic vertebral instability with the Axis plate of titanium alloy[Abstract][PDF]

The evaluation on the treatment of cervical syndrome and cervical vertebral trauma with anterior decompres- sion and reconstruction with titanium mesh/cervical spine & locking steel plate[Abstract][PDF]

Treatment of stable diastematomyelia[Abstract][PDF]

Treatment on entrapment of infra-patellar branch of saplenous nerve with Pi-zhen[Abstract][PDF]

Surgical operation on the femoral fracture with interlocking intramedullary nail without C-arm X-ray Machine[Abstract][PDF]

The clinical application of absorbent screws in intra-articular fracture in sixty-two cases[Abstract][PDF]

Dynamic prothesis with tibial anterior muscular displacement for the treatment flexible flatfoot in youngsters[Abstract][PDF]

Forum for orthopaedics and traumatology

The investigation on the distribution of stress with the three dimensional definite element model of calcanneus and talus during standing position[Abstract][PDF]

The pathogenical analysis on the surgical effectveness for lumblar intervertebral disc herni-ation[Abstract][PDF]

Clinical study

Analysis on effect of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in children: A report of 75 cases[Abstract][PDF]

Treatment of ulnar olecranal fracture with internal Polyest fixation[Abstract][PDF]

Clinical application of the improved interosseous dorsal antidromic artery issular flap[Abstract][PDF]

Manipulative reduction and external fixation for the treatment of the trimalleolar fracture of postrotatory extorsion[Abstract][PDF]

Rational administration of antibiotics during perinatal period of orthopedical surgery[Abstract][PDF]

Evaluation of function of elbow joint for the treatment of children’s supracondylar fracture of humerus with different methods[Abstract][PDF]

Surgical treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation with hyperplastic stenosis[Abstract][PDF]

Exploration of non-operative treatment and analysis of image on severe prolase of lumbar intervertebral disc[Abstract][PDF]

Treatment of functional disturbance in micro-joints of cervical vertebrae with bi-directional traction[Abstract][PDF]

The treatment of osteoarthritis of knee with Arthral debridment and intramedullary decompression[Abstract][PDF]

Report on 16 cases of children,attacked with combined damages of wrist & elbow[Abstract][PDF]

Treatment of thoracolumbar vertebral fractures with AF systematic instrument[Abstract][PDF]

The significance of the diagnosis of X-ray for cervical spondylopathy[Abstract][PDF]

Analysis on the therapeutic effectiveness of two methods for the treatment of femoral neck fracture[Abstract][PDF]

Treatment of old peripheral nerve injury with silica gel tube linking technique[Abstract][PDF]

Surgical treatment of fracture of femoral shaft in adults[Abstract][PDF]

Total knee arthroplasty applied in the treatment of severe osteoarthritis of knee joint[Abstract][PDF]

Error diagnosis and therapy

Misdiagnosis as lumbar intervertebral disc herniation: A report of 36 cases[Abstract][PDF]

Recomment for maneuver

The pulling and shaking manipulation for the treatment of fracture of distal part of radius[Abstract][PDF]


Progress of research on the promotion of bone union of fracture with Danshen[Abstract][PDF]

Recent advance in the research on intraosteo-lipoma[Abstract][PDF]

PDF Files of No.10, 2003

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地址:No.16A, Nanxiaojie, Dongzhimennei, Beijing 100700, China
电话:0086-10-84036581 传真:0086-10-84036581 Email:zggszz@sina.com