Welcome to China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (China J Orthop Trauma) online manuscript submission. The manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication” (www.ICMJE.org). China J Orthop Trauma welcomes manuscripts of original research (including both basic science studies and clinical trials) written in Chinese or English worldwide.
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1.1 Manuscript submission. Manuscripts should be submitted online (www.zggszz.com). Manuscripts written in English should also be submitted to the E-mail address (zggszz@sina.com). A cover letter should be provided in the manuscript submission. Please use this cover letter to explain why your manuscript should be published in China J Orthop Trauma and to elaborate on any issues related to our editorial policies detailed in the instructions for authors. Manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter giving details as follows: 1) Title of the manuscript; 2) A statement that this manuscript has not been published in part or whole (except in the form of abstract) or is under consideration for publication elsewhere in any language; 3) a statement that all authors have agreed to be so listed and have seen and approved the manuscript and its submission to China J Orthop Trauma; 4) A full postal address, work unit, telephone and fax numbers, and E-mail address of each author; 5) Financial arrangements or relationships that may pose conflict of interest.
1.2 Ethics and informed consent. Strictly required by the Declaration of Helsinki, if reporting experiments on human subjects or animals, authors should include a statement in the materials section. If a manuscript is related to human experiments, please provide information on institutional, regional or national review board/ethics committee approval or waiver and informed consent. If the study is on laboratory research involving animals, please comply with guidelines for animal care and use. The experimental protocol must be approved by the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC), and a statement to that effect must be included.
1.3 Online submission. Submit your manuscript and track its progress through the system. Manuscript Word is the only accepted format (PDF is not acceptable). If the manuscript is accepted, the system will provide you with a specific manuscript number for your manuscript. Illustrations such as figures, graphics and tables can be embedded in the text file or may be sent in separate files, preferably the former if possible.
1.4 Copyright. The China J Orthop Trauma Press is the owner of all copyrights to any articles published in the journal. Published manuscripts become permanent property of the China J Orthop Trauma Press and may not be published elsewhere without written permission. The China J Orthop Trauma Press keeps the right of using this manuscript in any form, including print, digital, video, and online version. Without the permission given by the China J Orthop Trauma Press, no part of this manuscript should be published elsewhere.
2.1 Manuscript receipt. Upon the receipt of the manuscript, the China J Orthop Trauma Editorial Board will assign a code number, which is to be used in all subsequent correspondence.
2.2 Peer review. An editor or a designated editorial board member will determine whether the manuscript warrants further peer review, in which case the manuscript will be sent to at least two outside referees. The peer-review process takes approximately 3 months. Based on comments of the reviewers, the journal editor determines whether the manuscript is rejected, or requires revision before publication, and the decision will be sent to the authors.
2.3 Revision and rejected manuscript. Editorial board will contact with the author through E-mail after reviewing the manuscript for amendment or rejection. After receiving E-mail notice for amendment, the author should revise his manuscript accordingly and submit all relevant required documents. If revision is required, the authors should amend and resubmit the manuscript within 60 days. Resubmission after 60 days may be considered a new submission. If the revision is not satisfactory to the reviewers, the author may be asked to make a second revision. Articles are normally published within 9 months of acceptance. If a manuscript is not accepted, the authors will receive a decision letter that may or may not include the reviewers’ comments.
2.4 Proofreading. The corresponding author of a manuscript to be published will receive proofs. Checking the proofs is solely the authors’ responsibility. The publisher is not responsible for any errors not marked by the author on the proof. The proof must be returned to the Editorial Board within 14 days of receipt.
2.5 Copyright Transfer. After peer review, the manuscript is accepted and scheduled to be published. The author will receive an E-mail notice of downloading Copyright Transfer letter from the main page of China J Orthop Trauma from the Editorial Board. The Copyright Transfer letter should be signed by all authors. The letter can be sent back through post office. Or submit the scanned PDF file by online system or E-mail.
2.6 Costs. After the manuscript is published, the China J Orthop Trauma will provide access for digital versions of the journals and credits for downloading PDF files (http://www.zggszz.com).
The manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication” (www.ICMJE.org).
3.1 Title page. This page includes the title of the article which should be concise but informative; name of each author in English and Chinese; name of department(s) and institution(s) to which the work was done; address, telephone and fax numbers, and E-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript; and any grant support should be mentioned on this page.
3.2 Abstract and key words. An abstract of about 300 words written in Chinese and English should follow the title page. The abstract of original clinical research paper should consist of six paragraphs, labeled as background, objective, design, setting, participants and interventions, main outcome measures, results, and conclusion. The abstract of original experimental research paper should consist of four paragraphs, labeled as objective, methods, results, and conclusion. On the abstract page, authors should provide 3 to 8 key words written in Chinese and English that capture main topics of the article. Terms from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of Index Medicus should be used (http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fegidb=mesh).
3.3 Text. Word count for original research manuscripts should be no more than 5 000 words. The text is usually divided into sections with headings such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Introduction: State the purpose of the article. A brief and relevant background to the study should be given. Materials and Methods: Describe the subjects (patients or laboratory animals, and the controls, including criteria for selection) clearly. Describe the methods, apparatus and procedures in sufficient detail. Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, including generic name(s), dose(s) and route(s) of administration. Results: Present the results in the text, tables and illustrations concisely, and do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables or illustrations; summarize only important observations. Discussion: Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from them. Include the implications of the findings and their limitations, as well as implications for future research. State new hypotheses when warranted, which should be clearly labeled as such. For reports of randomized controlled trials, authors should refer to the CONSORT statement, which can be found at http://www.consort-statement.org.
3.4 Statistical methods. Statistical methods should be described in sufficient detail to enable a knowledgeable reader to assess the appropriateness of the statistical analysis used. Statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols must be defined. And the used computer software must be specified. Lacunae in observations, such as dropouts from the study, should be reported, and the intend-to-treat method should be applied.
3.5 Tables. Number tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for each table. Abbreviations must be defined in footnotes. Identify statistical measures of variations, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean. If you use data from another published source, obtain permission and acknowledge them fully.
3.6 Figures. Number figures consecutively in the text. Figures should be professionally drawn or photographed, which should be saved as JPG or TIFF file in computer. Drawings must be of an acceptably high standard. Titles and detailed explanations should be given in the figure legend. Photomicrographs should have internal scale markers. Legends for figures should be printed out with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations. Explain the internal scale and identify the method of staining and magnification of photomicrographs. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, identify and explain each one clearly in the legend. Abbreviations must be explained. If photographs of people are used, either the subjects must not be identifiable or written permission from the depicted individuals must be included. If a figure has been published, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material.
3.7 Units of measurement. Measurement of length, height, weight and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples. All hematologic and clinical chemical measurements should be reported in the metric system in terms of the International System of Units (SI).
3.8 Abbreviations and terminology. Only standard abbreviations are used. All abbreviations and acronyms should be spelled out in full when first used in the text. Herbs are presented with their common, pharmaceutical, pinyin or Latin names. Acupuncture terms are to be conformed to the World Health Organization nomenclature.
3.9 Acknowledgments. Acknowledgment(s) may briefly include assistance from aspects as follows: 1) contributors that do not warrant authorship; 2) technical help; 3) material support; 4) financial support such as a grant.
3.10 References. Authors should check the accuracy of all reference citations. Unpublished data, classified periodicals, and personal communications may not be used as references. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first cited in the text. Identify references in text, tables, and legends by superscript of Arabic numerals in parentheses. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus/MEDLINE/PubMed. List all authors (surname and initials), title of the article, name of the journal or book, year, volume (issue), first and last page.
1) Journal: [Number] Author. Title of the article [J]. Name of the journal, Year, Vol. (No.): start page-end page.
2) Book: [Number] Author. Name of the book [M]. The order in which editors are printed. Publication place: Publisher, Year: start page-end page.
3) Article from an anthology: [Number] Author. Title of the article [C]. // Compiler. Name of the anthology. Publication place: Publisher, Year: start page-end page.