兔颈椎终板胶原结构变化对运动节段力学性能的影响 |
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Received:October 22, 2002 Revised:March 10, 2003
作者 | Author | 单位 | Unit | E-Mail |
应航 |
YING Hang |
浙江中医学院,浙江 杭州 310053 |
The Zhejiang College of TCM Zhejiang Hangzhou ,310053, China |
詹红生 |
ZHAN Hongsheng |
浙江中医学院,浙江 杭州 310053 |
The Zhejiang College of TCM Zhejiang Hangzhou ,310053, China |
井夫杰 |
JING Fujie |
浙江中医学院,浙江 杭州 310053 |
The Zhejiang College of TCM Zhejiang Hangzhou ,310053, China |
熊爱民 |
浙江中医学院,浙江 杭州 310053 |
The Zhejiang College of TCM Zhejiang Hangzhou ,310053, China |
吕荣坤 |
浙江大学 |
期刊信息:《中国骨伤》2003年16卷,第10期,第577-579页 |
DOI:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-0034.yyyy.nn.zzz |
基金项目:浙江省教育厅科研基金资助课题(2001—17) |
方法:将24只家兔随机分为对照组和模型组,模型组家兔保持45°低屈曲位5 h/d,取C5,6、C6,7进行生物力学测定,同时电镜观察终板胶原组织结构改变,总结分析终板材料的结构变化对运动节段力学性能的影响。
结果: 模型组终板抗扭强度、抗压强度、断裂时的最大形变都低于对照组,胶原排列从有序、致密、规整到紊乱、松散、溶解,并随造模进程的深入而加剧。
结论:长时间的应力不均状态,造成椎间盘终板材料力学特性改变;终板胶原结构改变是颈椎间盘生物力学性能减退的原因之一。 |
The effect of the changes of collagen texture of rabbit’s cervical cartilagous endplate on biomechanical properties of the cervical segmental motion |
Objective:To probe the material texture base for abnormal biomechanical properties on the cervical segmental motion by measuring biomechanical parameters and observing the changes of collagen texture, under ultramicroscope
Methods:24 rabbits were divided randomly into the model gruop and the control. The model rabbits were kept lower flexion at 45° for 5 h/d, the parts of C5,6、C6,7 were selected to determine the biomechanical properties of motion and observe the collagen texture. The relations between the changes of biomechanical properties of segmental motion and the changes of collagen texture were summarized.
Results:The significant decrease of anti-twisting, anti-compressive strength and largest deformation in end-plate were showed in the model group;the shape of collagen texture was changed from systematical, compact, regular to disorder, inattentive,dissolved and turning wores along with the developing of model-making.
Conclusion:The material mechanical changes of cartilaginous endplate can be induced by abnormal stress in a long period of time; the changes of collagen texture might be the one of the pathogeneses of intervertebrar disc degeneration. |
KEYWORDS:Cervical vertebrae Biomechanics Animals, laboratory |
引用本文,请按以下格式著录参考文献: |
中文格式: | 应航,詹红生,井夫杰,熊爱民,吕荣坤.兔颈椎终板胶原结构变化对运动节段力学性能的影响[J].中国骨伤,2003,16(10):577~579 |
英文格式: | YING Hang,ZHAN Hongsheng,JING Fujie.The effect of the changes of collagen texture of rabbit’s cervical cartilagous endplate on biomechanical properties of the cervical segmental motion[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2003,16(10):577~579 |
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