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Hits: 1922   Download times: 1049   Received:March 10, 2019    
杨广钢 YANG Guang-gang 广州市正骨医院, 广东 广州 510045 Department of Orthopaedics, Guangzhou Orthopaedics Hospital, Guangzhou 510045, Guangdong, China  
潘永雄 PAN Yong-xiong 广州市正骨医院, 广东 广州 510045 Department of Orthopaedics, Guangzhou Orthopaedics Hospital, Guangzhou 510045, Guangdong, China  
李中万 LI Zhong-wan 广州市正骨医院, 广东 广州 510045 Department of Orthopaedics, Guangzhou Orthopaedics Hospital, Guangzhou 510045, Guangdong, China  
雷航 LEI Hang 广州市正骨医院, 广东 广州 510045 Department of Orthopaedics, Guangzhou Orthopaedics Hospital, Guangzhou 510045, Guangdong, China 540964817@qq.com 




[关键词]:跟腱  手术后并发症  功能恢复
Clinical investigate of functional exercise immediate after operation for Achilles tendon rupture

Objective:To investigate clinical effect of partly weight-bearing walking and functional exercise immediatly after operation for Achilles tendon rupture(ATR) on function of ankle joint and rate of fragmentation of Achilles tendon,through comparing effect of partly weight-bearing walking and functional exercise immediatly at 2 weeks after operation for Achilles tendon rupture.

Methods:Sixty-four patients with ATR selected from March 2012 to March 2013 were randomly divided into two groups. There were 34 patients in treatment group,including 18 males and 16 females with an average age of 41.4±7.6,they began to do functional exercise and walk on fields with partly weight-bearing at two days after operation;there were 30 patients in control group,including 16 males and 14 females with an average age of 39.9±7.6,and they were immobilized with plaster in plantar flexion at two weeks after operation,and started to do functional exercise and walk on fields with partly weight-bearing at two weeks after operation. Two groups were performed by the same doctor with the same operation. The rate of fragmentation of Achilles tendon,and AOFAS score and complications between two groups were observed and compared.

Results:AOFAS score in treatment group at two weeks after operation was 74.3±3.9,which in control group was 71.7±4.2,and had statistical differences between two groups;AOFAS score in treatment group at one year after operation was 93.3±3.9,which in control group was 92.0±4.1,and had no statistical significance. No Achilles tendon fragmentation in treatment group occurred at three years after operation,and 1 patient occurred in control group. Two patients in treatment group occurred complications after operation,and 1 patient occurred in control group,however,there was no statistical significance between two groups.

Conclusion:Functional exercise immediate after operation for Achilles tendon rupture(ATR) patients in the early days,the AOFAS scores is higher than the fixing for two weeks,and does not increase the rate of fragmentation of Achilles tendon and complication after operation,and benefits for function recovery.
KEYWORDS:Achilles tendon  Postoperative complications  Recovery of function
英文格式:YANG Guang-gang,PAN Yong-xiong,LI Zhong-wan,LEI Hang.Clinical investigate of functional exercise immediate after operation for Achilles tendon rupture[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2019,32(8):692~695
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