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Hits: 2547   Download times: 1525   Received:April 20, 2018    
项杰 XIANG Jie 浙江省台州医院, 浙江 临海 317000 Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Linhai 317000, Zhejiang, China  
陈肖肖 CHEN Xiao-xiao 浙江省台州医院, 浙江 临海 317000 Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Linhai 317000, Zhejiang, China  
王章富 WANG Zhang-fu 浙江省台州医院, 浙江 临海 317000 Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Linhai 317000, Zhejiang, China  
陈伟富 CHEN Wei-fu 浙江省台州医院, 浙江 临海 317000 Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Linhai 317000, Zhejiang, China  
陈海啸 CHEN Hai-xiao 浙江省台州医院, 浙江 临海 317000 Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Linhai 317000, Zhejiang, China xzmcgb@163.com 
胸廓出口综合征(thoracic outlet syndrome,TOS)是指臂丛神经或者锁骨下动脉或者锁骨下静脉在胸廓出口受到卡压而出现的一些列症状。可分为神经型TOS、静脉型TOS和动脉型TOS,其中神经型TOS最为常见。TOS的临床表现非常多样,并且缺乏确诊性的检查方法,因此诊断应结合详细的病史、查体及相关的辅助检查。保守治疗和手术治疗均适用于TOS,并且都能获得较好的预后。神经型TOS首选保守治疗,对于有症状的血管型TOS和保守治疗失败的神经型TOS,应尽早手术。
[关键词]:胸廓出口综合征  诊断  治疗  综述文献
Progress in diagnosis and therapy of thoracic outlet syndrome
Abstract:Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) are constellation of symptoms caused by compression of the neurovascular bundle including the brachial plexus, the subclavian artery and the subclavian vein at the thoracic outlet region. It includes neurogenic TOS, venus TOS, arterial TOS, and neurogenic TOS is the most common type. TOS has varied manifestations and lack of confirmatory testing, therefore, the diagnosis should be conbination with thorough history, physical examination and associated supplementary examinations. Conservative and surgical treatment can be choosed for TOS and the outcomes are generally good. Conservative management is the initial treatment strategy for neurogenic TOS. In cases of symptomatic vascular TOS and neurovascular TOS, which has been failed by conservative treatment, surgery should be considered more promptly.
KEYWORDS:Thoracic outlet syndrome  Diagnosis  Therapy  Review literature
英文格式:XIANG Jie,CHEN Xiao-xiao,WANG Zhang-fu,CHEN Wei-fu,CHEN Hai-xiao.Progress in diagnosis and therapy of thoracic outlet syndrome[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2019,32(2):190~194
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