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Hits: 2032   Download times: 1279   Received:July 20, 2016    
陈民 CHEN Min 广东省人民医院 广东省医学科学院正骨科, 广东 广州 510080 Guangdong Provincial People Hospital, Guangzhou 510080, Guangdong, China 1248994730@qq.com 
李腾辉 LI Teng-hui 广东省人民医院 广东省医学科学院正骨科, 广东 广州 510080 Guangdong Provincial People Hospital, Guangzhou 510080, Guangdong, China  
黄广平 HUANG Guang-ping 广东省人民医院 广东省医学科学院正骨科, 广东 广州 510080 Guangdong Provincial People Hospital, Guangzhou 510080, Guangdong, China  
刘辉 LIU hui 广东省人民医院 广东省医学科学院正骨科, 广东 广州 510080 Guangdong Provincial People Hospital, Guangzhou 510080, Guangdong, China  


方法:2013年10月至2015年10月门诊收治52例粉碎性 Colles骨折患者,分传统夹板组和超肘夹板组,超肘夹板组男7例,女19例;年龄38~85岁,平均(64.615±11.475)岁。骨折AO分型:A3型3例,C1型9例,C2型7例,C3型7例。传统夹板组男9例,女17例;年龄36~91岁,平均(65.269±13.162)岁。骨折分型:A3型4例,C1型8例,C2型9例,C3型5例。各组施行手法复位后,传统夹板组以传统前臂小夹板超腕固定,超肘夹板组前3周加用上肢直角板固定肘关节,3周后去除直角板,同传统夹板组固定方法继续固定至骨折愈合。定期复查X线,骨折达临床愈合拆除夹板,并观察X 线下桡骨愈合后与复位后相比的短缩长度和掌倾角改变度数。积极功能康复锻炼8周后两组患者参照改良Green和O'Brien临床评分标准进行疗效评分。


[关键词]:桡骨远端骨折  小夹板固定  外固定器  病例对照研究
Comparison of the curative effect between over-elbow splint and traditional small splint fixation in the treatment of comminuted Colles fracture

Objective: To analyze the clinical efficacy of over-elbow small splint fixation for the treatment of comminuted Colles fractures.

Methods: From October 2013 to October 2015,52 patients with comminuted Colles fracture were divided into two groups(the traditional splint fixation group and the over-elbow small splint fixation group)according to the treatment strategy. There were 26 patients in the over-elbow small splint fixation group including 7 males and 19 females with an average age of(64.615±11.475)years old ranging from 38 to 85 years old,and 26 patients in the traditional splint fixation group including 9 males and 17 females with an average age of(65.269±13.162)years old ranging 36 to 91 years old,respectively. In the over-elbow small splint fixation group,3 cases were type A3 fractures,9 cases were type C1,7 cases were type C2 and 7 cases were type C3;in the traditional splint fixation group,4 cases were type A3,8 cases were type C1,9 cases were type C2 and 5 cases were type C3. After manipulative reduction,the fractures in traditional splint fixation group were fixed with traditional small splint,and the fractures in over-elbow small splint fixation group were added with over-elbow right angle splint for the first three weeks,then continued fixing like the control group until clinical cicatrization. All patients in both groups were regularly taken X-ray examination and changed dressings to obtain the clinical healing. Patients were guided to do functional exercise after splints were taken off. The therapeutic effects were evaluated according to modified Green and O'Brein score system after 8 weeks' functional exercise.

Results: All patients got clinical healing without severe complications in both groups. The shortened length of radius in traditional splint fixation group was more than that in over-elbow small splint fixation group(5.923±1.978)mm VS(2.962±1.248)mm(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in radial incline between two groups. There was a higher wrist score in over-elbow small splint fixation group compared with traditional splint fixation group 89.615±11.482 vs 80.385±13.485(P<0.05).

Conclusion: Over-elbow small splint fixation is better than traditional splint fixation for the treat-ment of comminuted Colles fracture because of reliable clinical result and excellent wrist functional recovery.
KEYWORDS:Distal radius fractures  Small splint fixation  External fixators  Case-control studies
英文格式:CHEN Min,LI Teng-hui,HUANG Guang-ping,LIU hui.Comparison of the curative effect between over-elbow splint and traditional small splint fixation in the treatment of comminuted Colles fracture[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2017,30(3):222~226
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