丁桂凝胶贴膏镇痛抗炎作用研究 |
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Received:January 25, 2016
作者 | Author | 单位 | Unit | E-Mail |
朱力阳 |
ZHU Li-yang |
四川省骨科医院, 四川 成都 610041 |
Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China |
马建 |
MA Jian |
四川省骨科医院, 四川 成都 610041 |
Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China |
majian222@sina.com |
涂禾 |
TU He |
四川省骨科医院, 四川 成都 610041 |
Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China |
曾南 |
ZENG Nan |
成都中医药大学, 四川 成都 610075 |
向猛 |
XIANG Meng |
四川省骨科医院, 四川 成都 610041 |
Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China |
王锐 |
WANG Rui |
四川省骨科医院, 四川 成都 610041 |
Sichuan Orthopaedic Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China |
期刊信息:《中国骨伤》2016年29卷,第6期,第538-542页 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-0034.2016.06.012 |
基金项目:国家科技部科研院所技术开发研究专项(编号:2012EG145135);四川省科技支撑计划(编号:2011SZ0306);成都中医药大学科技发展基金(编号:YYZX1506) |
目的: 观察丁桂凝胶贴膏对不同动物模型的镇痛抗炎作用,探讨其镇痛抗炎的作用机制。方法: 将84只4~5周龄,体重18~22 g的雄性KM小鼠随机分为7组:空白组、模型组、基质对照组、扶他林软膏组、丁桂凝胶贴膏高剂量组、丁桂凝胶贴膏等效剂量组和丁桂活络膏组,每组12只。除空白组与模型组外,其余各组小鼠于相应造模部位连续贴敷给药7 d,每日1次,基质对照组给予等剂量的空白基质凝胶贴膏。分别于末次给药后30、60、90、120 min测定其痛阈值。采用热板法实验予末次给药后在小鼠右后足跖部皮下注射5%甲醛溶液20 μl,观察Ⅰ、Ⅱ相疼痛期内小鼠舔右后足的累计时间,并用ELISA方法测定血清中IL-1、TNF-α含量。采用耳肿胀法抗炎实验测量小鼠左右耳片重量的差值。结果: 热板法实验中90 min时,丁桂凝胶贴膏等效剂量组痛阈值为(24.87±14.67) s,模型组痛阈值为(15.28±8.23) s;120 min时,高剂量组痛阈值为(26.33±15.45) s,模型组痛阈值为(15.31±5.02);丁桂凝胶贴膏两组分别与模型组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).Ⅰ相疼痛期,累积舔足时间丁桂凝胶贴膏高剂量组为(66.70±22.83) s,模型组为(101.80±33.65) s,两者比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);Ⅱ相疼痛期的累积舔足时间模型组为(109.50±36.78) s,丁桂凝胶贴膏高剂量组为(51.30±43.60) s,等效剂量组为(64.00±47.27) s,与模型组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);模型组的IL-1含量为(28.70±8.24) ng/L,丁桂凝胶贴膏高剂量组为(13.33±2.20) ng/L,与模型组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);模型组的TNF-α含量为(93.60±23.65) ng/L,丁桂凝胶贴膏高剂量组为(63.21±10.54 ) ng/L,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),等效剂量组为(72.69±16.26)ng/L,与模型组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);模型组耳肿胀度为(5.73±0.80) mg,丁桂凝胶贴膏高剂量组为(5.42±0.68) mg,等效剂量组为(4.98±1.52) mg,两给药组与模型组比较均有消肿趋势,但无显着性差异。结论: 丁桂凝胶贴膏能明显提高热板法实验中的痛阈值,能明显减少甲醛实验中的累积舔足时间,能降低二甲苯实验中的耳肿胀度,但不明显;而其对疼痛的缓解可能是通过调节血清中的IL-1及TNF-α水平来实现的。 |
[关键词]:镇痛 消炎 消肿 小鼠 |
Study on Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)on analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects |
Abstract:Objective: To observe effects and mechanism of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)analgesic anti-inflammatory. Methods: Eighty-four male KM mice weighted from 18 to 22 g and aged 4 to 5 weeks were randomly divided into 7 groups,named blank group,model group,matrix control group,Votalin group,high dosage of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)group with group,equivalent dosage of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏) group,Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)group,12 mice in each group. Except blank and model group,the other groups were paste ointment for 7 days,and one time a day,matrix control group were pasted isodose blank matrix gel patch. Pain threshold were tested at 30,60,90 and 120 min after the last administration. Hot plate test were performed by injection of 5% formalin for 20 μl on right hindfoot sole after the last administration. The cumulative time of mice licking right rear foot were observed at stage ofⅠandⅡ,and content of IL-1,TNF-α were tested by ELISA method. Differences of weight between right and left ears were measured by ear swelling method and anti-inflammation experiment. Results: In hot plate test at 90 min,pain threshold in equivalent dosage of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏) group was ( 24.87 ±14.67) s and (15.28±8.23) s in model group;(26.33±15.45) s in high dosage of Dinggui gel paste (丁桂凝胶贴膏) group and (15.31±5.02) s in model group at 120 min in hot plate test,there were no statistical differences between two groups. Pain period at stageⅠ,licking cumulative time in high dosage of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)group was (66.70±22.83) s and (101.80±33.65) s in model group,and had significant differences between two groups; there were statistical differences in licking cumulative time at stageⅡof pain period among high dosage of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)group(51.30±43.60)s,equivalent dosage of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)group (64.00±47.27) s and model group(109.50±36.78) s. Content of IL-1 in model group was (28.70±8.24) ng/L and (13.33±2.20) ng/L in high dosage of Dinggui gel paste (丁桂凝胶贴膏) group,there was obvious meaning between two groups;There were significant differences in TNF-α content among model group (93.60±23.65) ng/L,high dosage of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)group(63.21±10.54)ng/L and equivalent dosage of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)group (72.69±16.26) ng/L; while there were no statistical meaning in ear swelling degree among model group (5.73±0.80) mg,high dosage of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)group(5.42±0.68) mg and equivalent dosage of Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)group (4.98±1.52) mg. Conclusion: Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)could increase pain threshold,reduce licking accumulative time,and decrease ear swelling degree,and relief pain by regulating level of TNF-α and IL-1. |
KEYWORDS:Analgesia Anti-inflammation Subsiding swelling Mice |
引用本文,请按以下格式著录参考文献: |
中文格式: | 朱力阳,马建,涂禾,曾南,向猛,王锐.丁桂凝胶贴膏镇痛抗炎作用研究[J].中国骨伤,2016,29(6):538~542 |
英文格式: | ZHU Li-yang,MA Jian,TU He,ZENG Nan,XIANG Meng,WANG Rui.Study on Dinggui gel paste(丁桂凝胶贴膏)on analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2016,29(6):538~542 |
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