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Hits: 2218   Download times: 1119   Received:November 20, 2014    
徐平 XU Ping 武汉市中医医院骨伤科, 湖北 武汉 430014 new1818@qq.com 
董晓俊 DONG Xiao-jun 武汉市中医医院骨伤科, 湖北 武汉 430014  
鲁周同 LU Zhou-tong 武汉市中医医院骨伤科, 湖北 武汉 430014  
王丛军 WANG Cong-jun 武汉市第一医院附属前进街社区卫生服务中心针灸科, 湖北 武汉 430022  
张汉庆 ZHANG Han-qing 武汉市中医医院骨伤科, 湖北 武汉 430014  
陈选宁 CHEN Xuan-ning 武汉市中医医院骨伤科, 湖北 武汉 430014  
李东 LI Dong 武汉市中医医院骨伤科, 湖北 武汉 430014  


方法:自2012年1月至2014年2月采用折顶旋推手法复位加夹板固定治疗38例儿童尺桡骨远端“背靠背”骨折患者,男23例,女15例;年龄6~14岁,平均9.5岁;受伤时间45 min~3 d,平均1.3 d.均为单侧闭合性骨折,无神经损伤症状;腕关节正侧位片显示尺桡骨远端双骨折,且桡骨断端呈典型的“背靠背”移位.依据Dienst等Steward基础上结合Aro解剖评估标准评价复位质量,并采用Anderson功能评定标准评价疗效.


[关键词]:正骨手法  儿童  尺骨骨折  桡骨骨折
Roof folding and rotary pushing for the treatment of back to back fractures of distal radius and ulna in children

Objective: To evaluate the technique and the clinical effect of folding roof and rotary pushing in treatment of children with distal radius and ulna fracture of “back to back”.

Methods: From January 2012 to February 2014, 38 children with distal radius and ulna fracture of “back to back” were treated by using the technique of folding roof and rotary pushing to reset and splint fixation including 23 males and 15 females with an average age of 9.5 years old ranging from 6 to 14 years old.Injury time was from 45 min to 3 days (averaged 1.3 days). All cases was unilateral closed fracture without symptoms of nerve injury occurred. The wrist joint anteroposterior and lateral radiographs showed double fracture of radius and ulna, and the broken end of radius was typical “back to back” displacement. The quality of reduction was assessed according to Dienst recommendation on the combination of Aro measurement, and the therapeutic effect was evaluated using standard of Anderson function.

Results: All patients were followed up from 3 to 13 months with an average of 6 months. There were no iatrogenic nerve injury. Thirty cases were treated successfully for the first time, 8 cases were again reset successfully; 28 cases were anatomical reduction, 7 cases were near anatomic reduction, 3 cases were functional reduction. At the second day 7 cases with hand and finger swelling appeared in multiple reset patients. Quality results of reduction were excellent in 33 cases, good in 5 cases. According to the standard of Anderson function evaluation, 35 cases were excellent, 3 cases were good. All fractures were healed with of deformity of wrist.

Conclusion: Using the technique of folding roof and rotary pushing in treatment of children with distal radius and ulna fracture of “back to back” is very successful, the patient's limb function recovered well, the whole operation process is simple.
KEYWORDS:Bone setting manipulation  Child  Ulna fractures  Radius fractures
英文格式:XU Ping,DONG Xiao-jun,LU Zhou-tong,WANG Cong-jun,ZHANG Han-qing,CHEN Xuan-ning,LI Dong.Roof folding and rotary pushing for the treatment of back to back fractures of distal radius and ulna in children[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2015,28(9):864~867
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