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Hits: 2328   Download times: 1252   Received:February 19, 2014    
武兴国 WU Xing-guo 中山大学附属梅州医院骨四科, 广东 梅州 514031 The Fourth Department of Orthopaedics, the Affiliated Meizhou Hospital of Sun Yat-sun University, Meizhou 514031, Guangdong, China wxg_200312919@163.com 
黄健 HUANG Jian 中山大学附属梅州医院骨四科, 广东 梅州 514031 The Fourth Department of Orthopaedics, the Affiliated Meizhou Hospital of Sun Yat-sun University, Meizhou 514031, Guangdong, China  
蒋煜青 JIANG Yu-qing 中山大学附属梅州医院骨四科, 广东 梅州 514031 The Fourth Department of Orthopaedics, the Affiliated Meizhou Hospital of Sun Yat-sun University, Meizhou 514031, Guangdong, China  
郭伟康 GUO Wei-kang 中山大学附属梅州医院骨四科, 广东 梅州 514031 The Fourth Department of Orthopaedics, the Affiliated Meizhou Hospital of Sun Yat-sun University, Meizhou 514031, Guangdong, China  
王军 WANG Jun 中山大学附属梅州医院骨四科, 广东 梅州 514031 The Fourth Department of Orthopaedics, the Affiliated Meizhou Hospital of Sun Yat-sun University, Meizhou 514031, Guangdong, China  



结果:寰椎椎弓根螺钉进钉点处椎动脉下缘距椎动脉沟底部的距离为左侧(1.96±0.72) mm,右侧(1.99±0.61) mm,枢椎横突孔内缘与椎动脉外缘的距离为左侧(2.23±0.43) mm,右侧(2.30±0.39) mm,横突孔内椎动脉的外径为左侧(3.03±0.48) mm,右侧(2.98±0.75) mm.

[关键词]:椎动脉  寰椎  枢椎  内固定  解剖
Anatomical study on vertebral artety and its application in transpedicle screw fixation for upper cervical vetebrae

Objective: To investigate the relationship of upper cervical pedicle and vertebral artery (VA) location in order to improve the safety of transpedicular screw insertion.

Methods: The vertebral arteries on 12 sides of 6 adult pate cadaverous specimens were dissected. The distance between VA and VA groove at the atlas needling point of transpedicle screw, and the distance between VA and the inner edge of axis cervical foramen, and the VA external diameter in axis cervical foramen were measured respectively.

Results: The distance between VA and VA groove was (1.96±0.72) mm on the left and (1.99±0.61)mm on the right at the atlas needling point of transpedicle screw, the distance between VA and the inner edge of axis cervical foramen was (2.23±0.43) mm on the left and (2.30±0.39) mm on the right, the VA external diameter in axis cervical foramen was (3.03±0.48) mm on the left and(2.98±0.75) mm on the right.

Conclusion: It is unlikely to injury VA when the transpedicle screws of upper cervical vertebrae were implanted correctly besides high straddled VA, and the individualization must be performed in the process.
KEYWORDS:Vertebral artety  Atlas  Axis  Internal fixation  Dissection
英文格式:WU Xing-guo,HUANG Jian,JIANG Yu-qing,GUO Wei-kang,WANG Jun.Anatomical study on vertebral artety and its application in transpedicle screw fixation for upper cervical vetebrae[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2014,27(9):772~774
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