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Hits: 2549   Download times: 1756   Received:September 16, 2012    
廖乃顺 LIAO Nai-shun 福建中医药大学, 福建 福州 350122  
陈文列 CHEN Wen-lie 福建中医药大学, 福建 福州 350122
福建中西医结合研究院, 福建 福州 350122
黄云梅 HUANG Yun-mei 福建中医药大学, 福建 福州 350122
福建中西医结合研究院, 福建 福州 350122
陈赛楠 CHEN Sai-nan 福建中医药大学, 福建 福州 350122  
成骨细胞与破骨细胞并非孤立存在, 两种细胞存在直接接触、分泌旁分泌因子、细胞与骨基质3种相互作用。成骨细胞与破骨细胞共培养技术有直接接触式、间接接触式2类方式, 它能最大程度地模拟体内微环境, 有利于研究两细胞间的相互作用, 探讨两者失衡在骨质疏松症等骨代谢疾病形成中的作用;细胞共培养应根据病理状态下两细胞的比例选用种属来源一致的细胞。目前该技术主要用于探讨药物防治骨质疏松症的作用机制, 已有淫羊藿、三七、补骨脂、雷奈酸锶等既促进成骨细胞骨形成, 又抑制破骨细胞骨吸收活性的双重药理作用研究等报道。成骨细胞与破骨细胞共培养的一个新的应用方向, 将是应用于软骨下骨重建功能活动的探讨以及中西药干预骨性关节炎的研究。
[关键词]:成骨细胞  破骨细胞  共培养体系  骨重建  药理作用
Research propress of co-culture system of osteoblast with osteoclast and its applications
Abstract:Osteoclasts and osteoblasts are not exist alone,while communicating with each other through direct contact,diffusible paracrine factors and cell-bone matrix interaction. Co-culture system of osteoblast with osteoclast,including direct co-culture and indirect co-culture. It should be according to the ratio of osteoclasts and osteoblasts under the pathology,choosing the same species. Compared with lonely culture of osteoblasts or osteoclasts,co-culture system is much closer to the microenvironment in vivo. It benefits to explain the interactions between osteoblasts and osteoclasts,exploring molecular communication in bone diseases. It was mainly used to investigate the pharmacological mechanism of herbal and western medicine in bone remodeling. Some osteoporosis drugs (such as epimedium,sanchi,fructus psoraleae,ranelate strontium) not only promoted osteoblastic bone formation,but also inhibited osteoclastic bone resorption in the system,so as to balance bone homeostasis. At the same time,it has been used to study medical physics and assess biomedical materials in recent years. Considerably,the co-cultrue system will be used to study the subchondral bone remodeling and its pharmacological mechanism of herbal and western medicine in osteoarthritis.
KEYWORDS:Osteoclast  Osteoblast  Co-culture system  Bone remodeling  Pharmacological effect
英文格式:LIAO Nai-shun,CHEN Wen-lie,HUANG Yun-mei,CHEN Sai-nan.Research propress of co-culture system of osteoblast with osteoclast and its applications[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2013,26(4):349~353
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