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Hits: 2620   Download times: 1682   Received:September 25, 2010    
潘跃 PAN Yue 中国武装警察部队浙江省总队医院手足外科,浙江 嘉兴 314000 Department of Hand and Foot Surgery, Zhejiang Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces, Jiaxing 314000, Zhejiang, China dalong09@163.com 
胡继超 HU Ji-chao 中国武装警察部队浙江省总队医院手足外科,浙江 嘉兴 314000 Department of Hand and Foot Surgery, Zhejiang Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces, Jiaxing 314000, Zhejiang, China  
王西迅 WANG Xi-xun 中国武装警察部队浙江省总队医院手足外科,浙江 嘉兴 314000 Department of Hand and Foot Surgery, Zhejiang Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces, Jiaxing 314000, Zhejiang, China  
李钧 LI Jun 中国武装警察部队浙江省总队医院手足外科,浙江 嘉兴 314000 Department of Hand and Foot Surgery, Zhejiang Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces, Jiaxing 314000, Zhejiang, China  
魏勇 WEI Yong 中国武装警察部队浙江省总队医院手足外科,浙江 嘉兴 314000 Department of Hand and Foot Surgery, Zhejiang Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese Peoples Armed Police Forces, Jiaxing 314000, Zhejiang, China  

目的:总结联合使用VSD 封闭式负压引流技术、植皮术修复拇甲瓣供区的临床效果与体会。

方法:自2009年 1 月 至 2010年 4月实施的拇甲瓣手术20例,男16例,女4例;年龄18~45岁,平均36岁。致伤原因:机械伤18例,车祸1例,拇指血管瘤术后1例。缺损程度:Ⅰ度10例,Ⅱ度6例,Ⅲ度4例。术前均行64排CT足部血管成像,术中创面均存在骨及肌腱组织外露,拇趾供区范围为5 cm×3 cm~7 cm×5 cm,拇趾供区均采用VSD封闭式负压引流后应用全厚皮片植皮的方法修复。


[关键词]:负压疗法  引流术  外科皮瓣  修复外科手术
Containing negative pressure drainage technology combined dermatoplasty of full thick skin graft to repair surgical donor site of hallux toe

Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of vacuum sealing drainage(VSD) combined with skin grafting to repair donor site for wrap around flap of hallux toe.

Methods: From Jan. 2009 to Apr. 2010,20 patients with injury of hallux toe were repaired by wrap around flap of hallux. There were 16 males and 4 females,with ranging in age from 18 to 45 years (averaged 36 years). The causes of injury:mechanical injury in 18 cases,road accident in 1 and postoperative hemangioma of hallux in 1. The degree of hallux defect as follow:gradeⅠ10 cases,gradeⅡ6 cases,gradeⅢ 4 cases. All patients' feet underwent 64-row CT angiography pre-operation,there were exposed bone and tendon tissue,the area of hallux ranged from 5 cm×3 cm to 7 cm×5 cm,all cases underwent vacuum sealing drainage combined with dermatoplasty of full thick skin graft for repair of donor site for wrap around flap of hallux toe.

Results: The raw surface of donor site in all patients survived without complications such as skin ulceration and exudation. After follow-up for 3 to 12 months,the skin appearance of raw surface was excellent with well function.

Conclusion: VSD associated with dermatoplasty of full thick skin graft to repair donor site for wrap around flap of hallux toe can obtain satisfactory effect in treating injury of hallux toe,which can reduce difficulty of wound healing,improve skin appearance of donor site and relieve pain of patients.
KEYWORDS:Negative pressure therapy  Drainage  Surgical flaps  Reconstructive surgical procedures
英文格式:PAN Yue,HU Ji-chao,WANG Xi-xun,LI Jun,WEI Yong.Containing negative pressure drainage technology combined dermatoplasty of full thick skin graft to repair surgical donor site of hallux toe[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2011,24(5):418~420
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