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Hits: 3021   Download times: 1519   Received:April 07, 2010    
陈学武 CHEN Xue-wu 温州市第二人民医院骨科,浙江 温州 325027 Department of Orthopaedics,the Second People's Hospital of Wenzhou,Wenzhou 325027,Zhejiang,China 76@medmail.com.cn 
葛成孟 GE Cheng-meng 温州市第二人民医院骨科,浙江 温州 325027 Department of Orthopaedics,the Second People's Hospital of Wenzhou,Wenzhou 325027,Zhejiang,China  
林仲可 LIN Zhong-ke 温州市第二人民医院骨科,浙江 温州 325027 Department of Orthopaedics,the Second People's Hospital of Wenzhou,Wenzhou 325027,Zhejiang,China  
林帆 LIN Fan 温州市第二人民医院骨科,浙江 温州 325027 Department of Orthopaedics,the Second People's Hospital of Wenzhou,Wenzhou 325027,Zhejiang,China  



结果:所有患者获得随访,时间4~25个月,平均17个月。术后患者无内固定松动、断裂等并发症。 CT提示无植骨造成的医源性椎管狭窄,伤椎椎体前缘高度由术前51%恢复至98%;Cobb角由术前平均25.2°恢复至术后1.6°,且内固定拆除后伤椎高度无丢失。按Frankel分级:35例胸腰椎爆裂骨折及骨折脱位患者神经功能提高1~3级。

[关键词]:胸椎  腰椎  脊柱骨折  骨移植  减压术,外科
Clinical evaluation of morselized bone graft fusion on epidural

Objective: To investigate the safety of epidural morselized bone graft fusion after posterior spinal decompression for the patients.

Methods: From January 2006 to August 2009,41 patients who need posterior spinal decompression were treated with morselized bone graft fusion between adjacent vertebral lamina on epidural. There were 24 males and 11 females,ranging in age from 18 to 58 years with an average of 37 years. The height of injured spinal body,nerve functional recovery,iatrogenic spinal stenosis were observed or analyzed by X-rays and CT scannings before and after operation.

Results: All the patients were followed up from 4 to 25 months with an average of 17 months. No internal fixation loosing or breakage or iatrogenic spinal stenosis caused by bone graft were found. The anterior height of compressed vertebral body restored from preoperative 51% to postoperative 98%. The Cobb angle was corrected from preoperative 25.2° to postoperative 1.6°。 No loss of vertebral height after removal of internal fixation was found in all the patients. The nerve function of 35 patients with thoracolumbar bursting fractures and fractures and dislocations increased 1 to 3 grades according to Frankel standard.

Conclusion: The technique of morselized bone graft fusion on epidural after posterior spinal decompression can rebuild and increase spinal stability,of which the rate of fusion is higher,moreover,it can not result in iatrogenic spinal stenosis. So it is an easy,reliable and safe operative method.
KEYWORDS:Thoracic vertebrae  Lumbar vertebrae  Spinal fractures  Bone transplantation  Decompression,surgical
英文格式:CHEN Xue-wu,GE Cheng-meng,LIN Zhong-ke,LIN Fan.Clinical evaluation of morselized bone graft fusion on epidural[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2011,24(1):19~20
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