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膝骨关节炎不同中医证型在X线表现上的 差异性研究
Hits: 2578   Download times: 1651   Received:August 29, 2010    
金立昆 JIN Li-kun 丰盛中医骨伤专科医院骨科病房, 北京 100034 The Fengsheng Orthopaedics Hospital of Beijing, Beijing 100034, China jinlikun99@163.com 
张国忠 ZHANG Guo-zhong 丰盛中医骨伤专科医院骨科病房, 北京 100034 The Fengsheng Orthopaedics Hospital of Beijing, Beijing 100034, China  
唐可 TANG Ke 丰盛中医骨伤专科医院骨科病房, 北京 100034 The Fengsheng Orthopaedics Hospital of Beijing, Beijing 100034, China  
刘洋 LIU Yang 丰盛中医骨伤专科医院骨科病房, 北京 100034 The Fengsheng Orthopaedics Hospital of Beijing, Beijing 100034, China  




[关键词]:骨关节炎,膝  放射摄影术  辨证分型  诊断
Study on the correlation between syndrome differ classification of knee osteoarthritis and X-ray image

Objective: To study the correlation between syndrome differ classification of knee osteoarthritis and X-ray image,so as to provide evidence for clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Methods: From Jun. 2007 to Dec. 2007,78 patients (108 knees) with knee osteoarthritis were reviewed,including 65 females(89 knees) and 13 males(19 knees),ranging in age from 41 to 77 years. According to the standards for the differentiation of syndrome in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis defined in Principle of Clinical Research for New Traditional Herbs,the patients were divided into three types:TypeⅠ,insufficiency of the liver and kidney,with stagnation of tendons and muscles,43 knees;TypeⅡ,insufficiency of the spleen and kidney,with dampness infusion into bone and joints,26 knees;TypeⅢ,deficiency of the liver and kidney,with inter-obstruction of phlegm and stasis 39 knees. Normotopia and lateral plain film of knee joint of weigh loading and in erect position,and patellofemoral Skyline plain flim was taken. Joint space narrow,osteophyte generation,subchondral osteosclerosis and subchondral cystic degeneration were evaluated. All data were analyzed by K independent samples nonparametric test in order to find out the correlation between syndrome differ classification of knee osteoarthritis and X-ray image.

Results: It was shown that after K independent samples nonparametric test about syndrome differ classification of knee osteoarthritis and X-ray image:there were significant differences among three types about lateral patella osteophyte,condyles of tibia osteophyte and TypeⅡwas the most serious,TypeⅠwas secondary,TypeⅡwas the lightest. Other index had no obvious difference among the three groups.

Conclusion: There is certain correlation between syndrome differ classification of knee osteoarthritis and X-ray image. There are significant differences among three types about lateral patella osteophyte,condyles of tibia osteophyte,the TypeⅡis the most serious,TypeⅠis secondary,TypeⅡis the lightest. Consequently,it can be deduced that worse osteophyte is one of accordancese of TypeⅡ-insufficiency of the spleen and kidney, with dampness infusion into bone and joints. And,the TypeⅡis more serious stage in radiologic manifestation.
KEYWORDS:Osteoarthritis, knee  Radiography  Syndrome differ classification  Diagnosis
中文格式:金立昆,张国忠,唐可,刘洋.膝骨关节炎不同中医证型在X线表现上的 差异性研究[J].中国骨伤,2010,23(12):906~909
英文格式:JIN Li-kun,ZHANG Guo-zhong,TANG Ke,LIU Yang.Study on the correlation between syndrome differ classification of knee osteoarthritis and X-ray image[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2010,23(12):906~909
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