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Hits: 2561   Download times: 1402   Received:April 29, 2009    
郭伟 GUO Wei 中国人民解放军空军总医院中医科,北京 100036 GUO Wei,ZHAO Ping*,ZHOU Wei,WEI Jie,LI Xi-de,ZHOU Hua,LIU Liang,YAN Xiao-bin  
赵平 ZHAO Ping 中国人民解放军空军总医院中医科,北京 100036 GUO Wei,ZHAO Ping*,ZHOU Wei,WEI Jie,LI Xi-de,ZHOU Hua,LIU Liang,YAN Xiao-bin kzzp@sina.com 
周卫 ZHOU Wei 中国中医科学院望京医院  
卫杰 WEI Jie 中国人民解放军空军总医院中医科,北京 100036 GUO Wei,ZHAO Ping*,ZHOU Wei,WEI Jie,LI Xi-de,ZHOU Hua,LIU Liang,YAN Xiao-bin  
李喜德 LI Xi-de 清华大学力学系  
周华 ZHOU Hua 中国人民解放军空军总医院中医科,北京 100036 GUO Wei,ZHAO Ping*,ZHOU Wei,WEI Jie,LI Xi-de,ZHOU Hua,LIU Liang,YAN Xiao-bin  
刘亮 LIU Liang 清华大学力学系  
闫小彬 YAN Xiao-bin 中国人民解放军空军总医院中医科,北京 100036 GUO Wei,ZHAO Ping*,ZHOU Wei,WEI Jie,LI Xi-de,ZHOU Hua,LIU Liang,YAN Xiao-bin  



结果:治疗前后直腿抬高角度SLR(t=12.727 05,P<0.000 1)、视觉疼痛量表VAS值(t=-23.879 9,P<0.000 1)、JOA值(t=20.687 67,P<0.000 1)差异有统计学意义。治疗前后的突出物与神经根管夹角AN值(P>0.05)、突出物绝对值D值(P>0.05)差异无统计学意义。将治疗前后的D值变化与JOA评分差值间进行相关性分析(r=0.003 97,P=0.973 9>0.05),两者无显着相关性;AN值改变与JOA评分差值间进行相关性分析(r=0.005 68,P=0.962 8>0.05),两者亦无显着相关性。

[关键词]:椎间盘移位  腰椎  磁共振成像  骨科手法
Correlation studies between MRI and the symptom scores of patients with LDH before and after manipulative therapy

Objective: To study the correlation between the MRI and some symptom scores of the patients with lumbar disc herniation(LDH),such as VAS(visual analogue scale),JOA (Japanese orthopedic association scale),and SLR(straight leg raising test) before and after manipulative therapy.

Methods: From June to December in 2007,70 patients with LDH were selected in the study. Among the patients,40 patients were male and 30 patients were female,ranging in age from 21 to 56 years(averaged 39 years). MRI was used to measure the size and position of the protruded nucleus pulposus (size of disc protrution,the angle between nerve root canal and disc protrution). Correlation study was conducted between the MRI and VAS,JOA,and SLR before and after therapy. The correlation between the changes of MRI and that of the quantified clinical indexes of LDH patients was also analyzed.

Results: There were significant differences before and after therapy in some quantified indexes for the clinical manifestation of the patients,such as VAS,JOA,and SLR. There were no significant changes in the shape and size of protrude nucleus pulposus after 20 days' therapy by CT or MR recheck. Correlation study between the quantified indexes of clinical manifestation (JOA) and MRI before and after the treatment showed that there was no significant correlation.

Conclusion: The study proves again that the shape and size of protrude nucleus pulposus has no paralleled relation with the patient's clinical manifestation,which is demonstrated by the recheck of MRI after a successful spinal manipulative treatment in the study.
KEYWORDS:Intervertebral disk displacement  Lumbar vertebrae  Magnetic resonance imaging  Orthopedic manipulation
英文格式:GUO Wei,ZHAO Ping,ZHOU Wei,WEI Jie,LI Xi-de,ZHOU Hua,LIU Liang,YAN Xiao-bin.Correlation studies between MRI and the symptom scores of patients with LDH before and after manipulative therapy[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2010,23(1):17~19
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