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Hits: 2388   Download times: 1348   Received:July 24, 2009    
马江涛 MA Jiang-tao 新昌县张氏骨伤医院,浙江 新昌 312500 Xinchang Zhangshi Orthopaedic Hospital,Xinchang 312500,Zhejiang,China majiangtao6645@ 126.com 
俞敏 YU Min 新昌县张氏骨伤医院,浙江 新昌 312500 Xinchang Zhangshi Orthopaedic Hospital,Xinchang 312501,Zhejiang,China  
张孟超 ZHANG Meng-chao 新昌县张氏骨伤医院,浙江 新昌 312500 Xinchang Zhangshi Orthopaedic Hospital,Xinchang 312502,Zhejiang,China  
竺湘江 ZHU Xiang-jiang 嵊州市人民医院  
徐宏宇 XU Hong-yu 嵊州市人民医院  
梁国钧 LIANG Guo-jun 新昌县人民医院  


方法:2001年6月至2007年12月,29例骨折不愈合采用经皮自体骨髓注射的方法治疗。男20例,女9例;年龄20~71岁,平均40岁。均为外伤性骨折,胫骨13例,股骨10例,肱骨3例,尺骨2例,桡骨1例,其中开放性11例。骨髓移植时所有患者经过手术内、外固定,髓内钉15例,钢板12例,外支架2例。病程6~12个月,平均8.5个月。骨不连类型:萎缩型26例,肥大型3例。所有病例予3次经皮自体骨髓注射,间隔1个月,骨髓注射量6~15 ml.


结论:经皮自体骨髓移植是治疗骨折不愈合的有效手段,操作简单,经济安全。但是,稳定的内、外固定是自体骨髓移植的前提,骨缺损过多,骨折间隙>5 mm,骨不连且对线对位不良需要矫正者,不适宜采用该方法。
[关键词]:骨髓移植  骨折,不愈合  外科手术
Clinical observation on percutaneous autologous bone marrow grafting for treatment of fracture nonunion

Objective: To observe the effectiveness of percutaneous bone marrow grafting for treatment of fractures nonunion.

Methods: From June 2001 to December 2007,29 consecutive cases of fractures nonunion were treated with percutaneous autologous bone marrow grafting included 20 males and 9 females,ranging in age from 20 to 71 years,with an average of 40 years. All the cases were traumatic fractures involving 13 of tibia,10 of femur,3 of humerus,2 of ulna,1 of radius,11 cases of them were open fractures. All the cases were performed internal or external fixation before marrow grafting,intramedullary pin in 15 cases,plate in 12 cases,external fixator in 2 cases. The time from injury to therapy were from 6 to 12 months,with an average of 8.5 months. The type of nonunion included atrophic in 26 cases,hypertrophic in 3 cases. All the cases were performed 3 times injection,the interval was 1 month. According to the different fracture,the amount of bone marrow was from 6 to 15 ml.

Results: All the 29 cases were followed-up for from 5 to 22 months with an average of 14 months. Four of them were not observed obvious callus after 3 months from the 3th injection,judged unsuccssful therapy,changed to perform autologous bone grafting (3 of them re-internal fixation),the follow-up ended. The other 25 cases obtained bone union during 3 to 8 months with an average of 4.5 months,the follow-up ended at the time of internal fixation removal.

Conclusion: Percutaneous autologous bone marrow grafting is an effective,easy and economic therapy for fracture nonunion. But stable internal or external fixation is the premise. Excessive bone defect,the gap more than 5 mm and mal-align requiring rectification is not appropriate for this therapy.
KEYWORDS:Bone marrow transplantation  Fractures,ununited  Surgical procedures,operative
英文格式:MA Jiang-tao,YU Min,ZHANG Meng-chao,ZHU Xiang-jiang,XU Hong-yu,LIANG Guo-jun.Clinical observation on percutaneous autologous bone marrow grafting for treatment of fracture nonunion[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2009,22(11):862~864
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