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Hits: 2190   Download times: 1373   Received:May 07, 2009    
郑荣强 ZHENG Rong-qiang 上海体育学院运动医学系,上海 200438 Department of Sports Medicine,Shanghai Sports College,Shanghai 200438,China  
周静怡 ZHOU Jing-yi 济南市第五人民医院  


方法:选取自2003年6月至2008年5月有随访记录的65例胫骨Pilon骨折患者,男42例,女23例;年龄15~62岁,平均(37.53±6.32)岁。按受伤至手术时间分为两组,A组30例,伤后3~7 d行切开复位植骨解剖钢板内固定术;B组35例,采用分步延期开放复位内固定,于伤后7~24 d软组织肿胀消退后行切开复位植骨内固定术。术后观察两组创面及骨折愈合情况,参照Bourne对胫骨Pilon骨折的愈合评价进行踝关节功能评估。


[关键词]:胫骨  Pilon骨折  骨折固定术,内
Influence of operative time on effect of the Pilon fracture

Objective: To evaluate the influence of operative time on treating high-energy tibial Pilon fracture.

Methods: From June 2003 to May 2008,Sixty-five patients with tibial Pilon fracture were followed up. There were 42 males and 23 females in the study. The age was from 15 to 62 years with an average of(37.53±6.32) years. The patients were divided into two groups (group A and B) according to operative time. In the group A,30 cases were treated with open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) at 3-7 days after injury. In the group B,35 cases were treated with step-by-step postphoned ORIF at 7-24 days after injury (the swell of soft tissue extincted). The clinical effects were evaluated between two groups according to Bourne standard.

Results: All patients were followed up from 7 to 24 months with an average of 16.23 months. There was significant difference on the early complications between two groups. In group A,3 cases of infection,4 cases of edge splitting,1 case of plate explosing and 1 case of osteomyelitis. In group B,only 2 cases of surface infection. The time of fracture healing in group A and B was respectively(18.3±3.2) weeks and(15.7±2.5) weeks. There was significant difference between two groups(P<0.05). According to the Bourne Pilon fracture healing standard,in group A,12 cases got excellent result,10 good,8 poor,the rate of excellent and good was 73.3%;in group B,21 cases got excellent result,8 good,6 poor,the rate of excellent and good was 82.9%. There was significant difference between two groups(P<0.05).

Conclusion: The choice of operative time is the key to treat high-energy tibial Pilon fracture. Step-by-step postphoned ORIF is an effective method for high-energy tibial Pilon fracture.
KEYWORDS:Tibia  Pilon fractures  Fracture fixation,internal
英文格式:ZHENG Rong-qiang,ZHOU Jing-yi.Influence of operative time on effect of the Pilon fracture[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2009,22(10):770~772
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