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Hits: 2574   Download times: 1997   Received:October 21, 2008    
夏贤武 XIA Xian-wu 台州学院医学院附属台州市立医院影像科,浙江 台州 318000 Department of Medical Imaging,Taizhou Municipal Hospital,Taizhou College,Taizhou 318000,Zhejiang,China xu8858000@126.com 
沈剑敏 SHEN Jian-min 台州学院医学院附属台州市立医院影像科,浙江 台州 318000 Department of Medical Imaging,Taizhou Municipal Hospital,Taizhou College,Taizhou 318000,Zhejiang,China  
康五根 KANG Wu-gen 台州学院医学院附属台州市立医院影像科,浙江 台州 318000 Department of Medical Imaging,Taizhou Municipal Hospital,Taizhou College,Taizhou 318000,Zhejiang,China  
袁建军 YUAN Jian-jun 台州学院医学院附属台州市立医院影像科,浙江 台州 318000 Department of Medical Imaging,Taizhou Municipal Hospital,Taizhou College,Taizhou 318000,Zhejiang,China  
盛亮 SHENG Liang 台州学院医学院附属台州市立医院影像科,浙江 台州 318000 Department of Medical Imaging,Taizhou Municipal Hospital,Taizhou College,Taizhou 318000,Zhejiang,China  



结果:21例发现股骨颈疝窝病灶29个,累及右侧9例,左侧8例,双侧4例,病灶均位于股骨头基底部或股骨颈前外侧皮质下,病灶多呈圆形或卵圆形,最大直径约16 mm,X线表现为透亮区或硬化环,CT表现为骨质缺损区,密度因成分不同而呈软组织密度、脂肪密度或混杂密度,边缘伴有薄层清晰硬化缘,临近骨皮质见局限性裂隙样缺损与骨质缺损灶相通,MRI信号不定,多数表现为T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号。

[关键词]:  股骨颈  放射摄影术  体层摄影术,螺旋计算机  核磁共振
Imaging manifestation and clinical value in herniation pit of femoral neck

Objective: To discuss the imaging manifestation and clinical value in herniation pit of femoral neck.

Methods: One case proved by operation and pathology and twenty cases with typical imaging manifestation described by Pitt were reviewed retrospectively. There were 17 males and 4 females with an average age of 53 years old(ranging from 30 to 85 years). All cases were examined by X-ray films and CT,and 13 cases were performed with MRI.

Results: Twenty-nine lesions were found in the 21 cases,9 cases were in right side,8 cases were in left side,4 cases were in both sides. The lesions were all located in the superior lateral part of the femoral neck and anterior lateral base of femoral head. The lesions were round or oval,and most of their greatest diameter was less than 16 mm. X-ray films showed a central radiolucency with a thin clear sclerotic rim or simple sclerotic loop. CT scans showed a well-defined lesion of soft-tissue attenuation with sclerotic margin. The lesions had focal cortical perforation. On MRI images,most lesions showed uniformly long T1 and long T2 fluid signal intensity.

Conclusion: Herniation pit of femoral neck have some specific imaging features,CT can make accurate diagnosis. X-ray and MRI are helpful to diagnosis.
KEYWORDS:Hernia  Femoral neck  Radiography  Tomography,spiral computed  Nuclear magnetic resonance
英文格式:XIA Xian-wu,SHEN Jian-min,KANG Wu-gen,YUAN Jian-jun,SHENG Liang.Imaging manifestation and clinical value in herniation pit of femoral neck[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2009,22(4):259~261
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