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Hits: 2202   Download times: 1450   Received:September 20, 2007    
陈强 CHEN Qiang 中山市火炬开发区医院骨科,广东 中山 528437 Department of Orthopaedics,Zhongshan Torch Development District Hospital,Zhongshan 528437,Guangdong,China chenqiangdr@yahoo.com.cn 
刘烈斌 LIU Lie-bin 中山市火炬开发区医院骨科,广东 中山 528437 Department of Orthopaedics,Zhongshan Torch Development District Hospital,Zhongshan 528437,Guangdong,China  
曾宪明 ZENG Xian-ming 中山市火炬开发区医院骨科,广东 中山 528437 Department of Orthopaedics,Zhongshan Torch Development District Hospital,Zhongshan 528437,Guangdong,China  
卓春芳 ZHUO Chun-fang 中山市火炬开发区医院骨科,广东 中山 528437 Department of Orthopaedics,Zhongshan Torch Development District Hospital,Zhongshan 528437,Guangdong,China  
赵家安 ZHAO Jia-an 中山市火炬开发区医院骨科,广东 中山 528437 Department of Orthopaedics,Zhongshan Torch Development District Hospital,Zhongshan 528437,Guangdong,China  
漆海如 QI Hai-ru 中山市火炬开发区医院骨科,广东 中山 528437 Department of Orthopaedics,Zhongshan Torch Development District Hospital,Zhongshan 528437,Guangdong,China  


方法:采用皮肤软组织牵伸术治疗皮肤软组织缺损25例,男16例,女9例;年龄8~66岁,平均29.3岁。具体方法:距缺损皮肤边缘0.5~1.5 cm平行穿入克氏针,以粗丝线或细钢丝逐渐拉拢,使缺损皮肤软组织两侧靠拢,消灭创面。

结果:15例经20~60 min牵伸后直接缝合伤口,10例经3~26 d牵伸后缝合伤口,伤口均愈合良好。经过2~26个月随访,局部皮肤呈线状瘢痕,与普通清创缝合瘢痕无异。

[关键词]:组织损伤  修复外科手术  牵伸术
Application of skin and soft tissue distraction technique for defect of skin and soft tissue

Objective: To investigate the repair of skin and soft tissue defect by skin and soft tissue distraction tecnique and evaluate clinical results.

Methods: Twenty-five patients with skin and soft tissue defect were repaired by skin and soft tissue distraction technique including 16 male and 9 female. The age ranged from 8 to 66 years with an average age of 29.3 years. Parallel Kirschner wires were inserted through the defect skin margin at the interval of every 0.5 to 1.5 cm, the Kirschner wire was gradually drawed to the close by thick silk thread or tiny steel-wire,the defect of skin and soft tiuuse was closed from two sides and the wound disappeared.

Results: The wounds of 15 patients were anastomosed dircetly through skin and soft tissue distraction for 20 to 60 minutes,other ten wounds were anastomosed from 3 to 26 days,all healed well. By the follow up from 2 to 26 months,the wound skin looked as line scar,corresponding to the result of common debridement anastomosis.

Conclusion: Skin and soft tissue distraction tecnique can not replace skin grafting,flap transferring and flap grafting. But it may avoid damage to the supply area and the risk of flap necrosis. Skin and soft tissue distraction tecnique is a good method to repair skin and soft tissue defect.
KEYWORDS:Soft tissue injuries  Reconstructive surgical procedures  Distraction technique
英文格式:CHEN Qiang,LIU Lie-bin,ZENG Xian-ming,ZHUO Chun-fang,ZHAO Jia-an,QI Hai-ru.Application of skin and soft tissue distraction technique for defect of skin and soft tissue[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2008,21(5):379~380
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