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Hits: 1979   Download times: 1261   Received:June 16, 2006    
翁凤泉 WENG Feng-quan 江门市五邑中医院,广东江门529031 Wuyi TCM Hospital of Jiangmen City,Jiangmen 529031,Guangdong,China kang letiger@yahoo.com.cn 
康乐 KANG Le 江门市五邑中医院,广东江门529031 Wuyi TCM Hospital of Jiangmen City,Jiangmen 529031,Guangdong,China  
黄经光 HUANG Jing-guang 江门市五邑中医院,广东江门529031 Wuyi TCM Hospital of Jiangmen City,Jiangmen 529031,Guangdong,China  
陈日荣 CHEN Ri-rong 江门市五邑中医院,广东江门529031 Wuyi TCM Hospital of Jiangmen City,Jiangmen 529031,Guangdong,China  
周美容 ZHOU Mei-rong 江门市五邑中医院,广东江门529031 Wuyi TCM Hospital of Jiangmen City,Jiangmen 529031,Guangdong,China  
翁志辉 WENG Zhi-hui 江门市五邑中医院,广东江门529031 Wuyi TCM Hospital of Jiangmen City,Jiangmen 529031,Guangdong,China  
欧阳厚淦 OUYANG Hou-gan 湖南中医药大学  


方法:对72只大鼠随机分为假手术组(SG)、模型对照组(CG)、芬必得组(FG)、田胡止痛颗粒组(TG),每组18只,采用自体尾椎椎间盘植入L5神经根背侧的方法制备大鼠腰椎间盘突出的非压迫性动物模型。各组大鼠于术后1 d开始灌胃,SG和CG用蒸馏水,FG和TG分别用芬必得和田胡止痛颗粒的悬浊液,并分别于术后的7、14、28 d处死动物,检测原移植椎间盘(SG取残留尾椎的椎间盘组织)磷脂酶A2的活性,对L5神经根进行病理切片检查和炎性细胞计数。

结果:TG椎间盘磷脂酶A2的活性在用药7 d后与CG相比有统计学差异(P<0.05),14及28d后比较有统计学差异(P<0.01)。TG神经根的炎性细胞浸润数目在各时间段亦少于CG(P<0.05或P<0.01),神经根的损伤情况明显轻于CG。

[关键词]:腰椎  椎间盘移位  中药药理学  磷脂酶A
Effects of Tianhu acesodyne grains (田胡止痛颗粒) on the activity of phospholipase A2 of intervertebral disc and inflammatory cells of nerve root of rats

Objective: To explore the correlative mechanism of Tianhu acesodyne grains(田胡止痛颗粒)for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation(LDH)by using animal models which suffered from grafting operation of self intervertebral disc.

Methods: Seventy-two rats were divided into 4 groups randomly:sham surgery groups(SG),model contrast group(CG),Fenbid group(FG),Tianhu acesodyne grains(田胡止痛颗粒)(TG).There were 18 rats in each group.The coccygeal intervertebral disc was transplanted to the dorsal part of the right 5th lumbar nerve root of rats to establish the non-compressive model of LDH.After one day,the rats in SG and CG were fed with distilled water,while rats in FG were fed with Fenbid and rats in TG were fed with suspending liquid of Tianhu acesodyne grains(田胡止痛颗粒).Each 6 rats of every group were chosen randomly and killed at 7th,14th,28th days after operation.The transplanted intervertebral disc and the remnant coccygeal disc of SG were taken out and stored under 0 ℃.The activities of PLA2 were tested through method of trace acid titration.At the same time,the right nerve roots of 5th lumbar were observed by pathological section and the inflammatory cells were counted under optical microscope.

Results: At 7th day after the drugs were given to the rats,the activities of PLA2 had significant difference in rats between TG and CG(P<0.05),and much significant difference(P<0.01) at 14th and 28th days.The amount of inflammatory cells of TG was obviously smaller than that of CG(P<0.05 or P<0.01),and the damage of nerve roots of TG was much lighter than that of CG.

Conclusion: Tianhu acesodyne grains(田胡止痛颗粒) can decrease the activity of PLA2 in prolapsed intervertebral disc of rats,alleviate the inflammatory reaction of nerve root and promote the function recovery.
KEYWORDS:Lumbar vertebrae  Intervertebral disk displacement  Pharmacology(TCD)  Phospholipases A
英文格式:WENG Feng-quan,KANG Le,HUANG Jing-guang,CHEN Ri-rong,ZHOU Mei-rong,WENG Zhi-hui,OUYANG Hou-gan.Effects of Tianhu acesodyne grains (田胡止痛颗粒) on the activity of phospholipase A2 of intervertebral disc and inflammatory cells of nerve root of rats[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2007,20(3):176~179
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