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Hits: 1732   Download times: 1344   Received:December 02, 2004    
王昭佩 WANG Zhao-pei 广州中医药大学附属广东省中医院骨科,广东广州510407 Department of Orthopedics,the Second Affiliated TCM Hospital of Guangzhou Un iversity of TCM,Guangzhou 510407, Guangdong,China yrxtcm@Tom.com 
杨仁轩 YANG Re n-xuan 广州中医药大学附属广东省中医院骨科,广东广州510407 Department of Orthopedics,the Second Affiliated TCM Hospital of Guangzhou Un iversity of TCM,Guangzhou 510407, Guangdong,China  
许树柴 XU Shu-chai 广州中医药大学附属广东省中医院骨科,广东广州510407 Department of Orthopedics,the Second Affiliated TCM Hospital of Guangzhou Un iversity of TCM,Guangzhou 510407, Guangdong,China  
郭玉海 GUO Yu-hai 广州中医药大学附属广东省中医院骨科,广东广州510407 Department of Orthopedics,the Second Affiliated TCM Hospital of Guangzhou Un iversity of TCM,Guangzhou 510407, Guangdong,China  
邓晋丰 DENG Jin-f eng 广州中医药大学附属广东省中医院骨科,广东广州510407 Department of Orthopedics,the Second Affiliated TCM Hospital of Guangzhou Un iversity of TCM,Guangzhou 510407, Guangdong,China  


方法:在成功分离培养软骨细胞后,以细胞爬片法检测原代及第2、4代软骨细胞Ⅱ型胶原mRNA表达的差异。以浓度为0.01μmol·L -1,0.1μmol·L -1,1μmol·L -1,10μmol·L -1,100μmol·L -1的Rb1作用于贴壁3d后的第2代病理软骨细胞,观察各浓度组软骨细胞Ⅱ型胶原mRNA表达情况。


[关键词]:软骨细胞  基因表达  中草药
Effects of ginsenoside Rb1 on the expression of collagen Ⅱ mRNA of chondrocytes in vitro

Objective:To study collagen Ⅱ mRNA expression of chon drocy tes in differ ent generations and the effects of ginse noside Rb1 on the expression of collagen Ⅱ mRNA of the second generation chon drocytes in rabbits.

Methods:After the rabbits’chondrocytes were cultured successfully,the expressions of collagen Ⅱ mRNA of the first,the second and the third generation chondrocytes were detec ted.Different density ginsenoside Rb1,in cluding 0.01 μmol·L -1,01 μmol·L -1,1 μmol·L -1,10 μmol·L -1and 100 μmol·L -1,were exerted to the second generat ion chondrocyte,and then the expressions of collagen ⅡmRNA were observed.

Results:The e xpression intensity of collagen Ⅱ mRNA o f the first,the second and the third generati on chondrocytes decreased gradually.The ginsenoside Rb1 with suitable density could strength en the expression of collagen Ⅱ mRNA,and restrai n the expression of specific collagen Ⅱ .

Conclusion:T he expressions of collagen Ⅱ mRNA in dif ferent generation chondrocytes is different.Ginsenoside Rb 1 may be benefit to increase the express ion of collagen Ⅱ mRNA in the second generat ion chondrocytes.
KEYWORDS:Chondrocytes  Gene expression  Drugs,Chinese herbal
英文格式:WANG Zhao-pei,YANG Re n-xuan,XU Shu-chai,GUO Yu-hai,DENG Jin-f eng.Effects of ginsenoside Rb1 on the expression of collagen Ⅱ mRNA of chondrocytes in vitro[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2005,18(9):543~545
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