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Hits: 2318   Download times: 1178   Received:April 20, 2002    
郑平 ZHENG Ping 阳泉阳煤集团总医院,山西 阳泉045000 The General Hospital of Yangmei community ShanxiYangquan ,045000, China  
袁培义 YUAN Pei-yi 阳泉阳煤集团总医院,山西 阳泉045000 The General Hospital of Yangmei community ShanxiYangquan ,045000, China  
史宝明 SHI Bao-ming 阳泉阳煤集团总医院,山西 阳泉045000 The General Hospital of Yangmei community ShanxiYangquan ,045000, China  



结果: 对照组的椎体高度丢失术后4周内占病例组的45%;6个月以上为27%。脱位位移术后4周对照组占病例组的5.7%;6个月以上不足1%。对照组后弓角术后4周内占病例组的7%以下;6个月以上为11%以下。

[关键词]:脊柱骨折  脱位  治疗效果,手术
Follow-up evaluation of curative effect after surgical reduction for thoracolumbar vertebral fracture dislocation

Objective:To evaluate the curative effect of different reduction methods for thoracoiumbar vertebral fracture dislocation

Methods:216 patients of thoracoiumbar vertebral fracture and spinal cord injury uncountered in this hospital during the last 15 years were followed up. Of them,32 cases remained fracture dislocation and incomplete reduction as case-study group;31 cases with the same symptoms were operated upon using the postural combined with instrumental reductions as control group. Situation of preoperative and postoperative, the recovery of vertebral height and the rectifying of arch angle after reduction as shown in the X-ray films were analyzed.

Results:The rate of loss of height of the vertebral body in the control group with vertebral height was 45 % of the case-study group 4 weeks after the operation, and after 6 months the rate was 27% . The rate of control group with fracture-location in the present surgical reduction in 4 weeks was 5.7% of the case study group, and after 6 months the rate was less than 1 % . The rate of control group with the angle rectifying in the present surgical reduction in 4 weeks was 7% of the case study group, and after 6 months the rate was lower than 11%.

Conclusion:Postural combined with instrumental reduction is able to improve the complete reduction rate of thoracoiumbar vertebral fracture, fusion of bone assuredly is the effective measures to prevent late redislocation.
KEYWORDS:Spinal fracture  Dislocations  Surgical treatment effectiveness
英文格式:ZHENG Ping,YUAN Pei-yi,SHI Bao-ming.Follow-up evaluation of curative effect after surgical reduction for thoracolumbar vertebral fracture dislocation[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2002,15(12):721~723
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