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Hits: 2183   Download times: 1678   Received:July 30, 2002    
孔晓川 KONG Xiao-chuan 中铁建总医院,北京 100043 Department of Orthopedics, Department of Radiology, General Hospital of China Railway Construction Corporation Beijing, 100043  
陆应隆 LU Ying-long 中铁建总医院,北京 100043 Department of Orthopedics, Department of Radiology, General Hospital of China Railway Construction Corporation Beijing, 100043  
刘军 LIU Jun 中铁建总医院,北京 100043 Department of Orthopedics, Department of Radiology, General Hospital of China Railway Construction Corporation Beijing, 100043  



结果: 前倾角为3°~34°,平均13.42°;前屈角为7°~35°,平均17.68°;冠面角2°~31°,平均9.92°。3组数据中,任意两组之间分别呈明显的正相关关系。

结论: 不同投照方向下,股骨颈轴线与股骨冠状面夹角有差异,但相关关系密切,可互相推算。
[关键词]:体层摄影术  X线计算机  股骨颈  摄影测量法
Investigation of the method of measurement of anteversion angle of the femoral neck and the concept of an-terversion angle

Objective:To investigate the conception and the method of measurement of the femoral antever-sion angle using computerized tomography

Methods:Three-dimensional images of 50 specimens of human femur specimens were made with CT in three different projecting positions in the coronal plane, ①perpendicular to the vertical axis of the femur,②perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the femoral neck,③the angle of intersection of the axis of the femoral neck and the coronal section of the femur was measured in the direction of projection. The measurement ①was named the anteversion angle,②was named the anteflexion anlge and ③the angle on the coronal section. Statistical analysis was performed to the data of the groups of measurements.

Results:① the range of anteversion angle was 3°-34° with an average of 13.42°;② the anteflexion angle ranged 17°- 35° with an average of 17.68°;and the angle of the coronal section ranged 2°-31° with an average of 9.92°. A remarkable positive correlation was seen among the data of any two groups.

Conclusion:Under different projecting directions there is a difference of the angle of intersection between the axis of the femoral neck the coronal section of the femur, however,they are closely rekted and can be calculated one with the other.
KEYWORDS:Tomography,x-ray computed  Femur neck  Photogrammetry
英文格式:KONG Xiao-chuan,LU Ying-long,LIU Jun.Investigation of the method of measurement of anteversion angle of the femoral neck and the concept of an-terversion angle[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2002,15(10):601~603
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