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Hits: 2724   Download times: 1449   Received:September 08, 1999  Revised:February 18, 2000  
詹红生 ZHAN Hong sheng 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院,上海200021 Shuguang Affiliated Hospital,Shanghai University of TCM Sha nghai,200021  
赵咏芳 ZHAO Yong fang 上海市中医药研究院骨伤科研究所,上海 Shuguang Affiliated Hospital,Shanghai University of TCM Sha nghai,200021  
石印玉 SHI Yin yu 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院,上海200021 Shuguang Affiliated Hospital,Shanghai University of TCM Sha nghai,200021  
高建军 上海医科大学,上海  
沈培芝 上海市中医药研究院骨伤科研究所,上海  
徐宇 上海市中医药研究院骨伤科研究所,上海  




[关键词]:中草药  破骨细胞  血清学
The effects of Bushenyijing(invi gorating the kidney and supplementing th e essence of life)prescription on osteoc lasts resorption using drug sera method

Objective;To explore the preparation method of dru g sera of Bushenyijing Fang(BSYJF)(a pre scription of traditional Chinese medicin e)for invigorating the renal function an d the supplement of essence of life.Its effects on osteoclasts resorption tested in vitro were studied.

Methods;20 SD rats with average weight of 270±20 g,female and male in equal numbers,were divided into two groups randomly;the con trol group using sera and the group usin g sera including BSYJF.The effects of th e two kind of sera on the quantity of bo ne resorption lacuna were observed at di fferent blood sampling times,different m edicine administration times,different c onditions of medicine dosage and sera ad dition dosage.

Results;The quantity of bone resorption lacuna a t one hour after last time of administra tion of medicine was much more smaller t han that of other groups(P<0.05).Durg effects showed no difference at 1st,3rd and 7th days after medication,bu t significient difference was seen in co mparison with the control sera.With medi cine dose and sera addition dose increas ing,the bone resorption lacuna decreased obviously.

Conclusion;The drug sera of BSYJF significantly inh ibited osteoclast resorption.The prepara tion conditions of drug sera of BSYJF we re as follows;giving medicine of equival ent dose twice between 2 hours,sampling blood at one hour after last medication and adding sera to the concentration of 30%。
KEYWORDS:Chinese  herbal  medicine  Osteoclasts  Sero  logy
英文格式:ZHAN Hong sheng,ZHAO Yong fang,SHI Yin yu.The effects of Bushenyijing(invi gorating the kidney and supplementing th e essence of life)prescription on osteoc lasts resorption using drug sera method[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2001,14(3):145~147
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