Clinical experience in treating mal-healing with closed osteoclasia by prof.
Abstract:In this article, clinical experience of Prof. Fan Chun-zhou in treating malhealing with closed osteoclasia is introduced. Seventy cases with complete data were concluded. The therapeutic results were excellant in 31 cases (44%); good, 29(42%); fair, 7 (10%); ineffective, 3 (4%)
Fan Jing-bo,Zhang Li-guang.Clinical experience in treating mal-healing with closed osteoclasia by prof.[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,1993,6(2):9~10
版权所有:Editorial Office of China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology京ICP备12048066号 版权声明 地址:No.16A, Nanxiaojie, Dongzhimennei, Beijing 100700, China 电话:0086-10-84036581 传真:0086-10-84036581