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时光达 Shi Guangda 贵阳中医学院骨伤科研究所 Institute of Orthopaedics & Traumotology. Guiyang college of Traditional Chinese Medicine  
吴非 Wu Fei 贵阳中医学院骨伤科研究所 Institute of Orthopaedics & Traumotology. Guiyang college of Traditional Chinese Medicine  
Experimental studies of bone Histomorphometric basis of Shen (肾) Zhu (主) Gu (骨) Theory
Abstract:Shen Zhu Gu---a theory of the kidney dominatins the physiology of the bone---is one of the fundamental theories in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)Under the quidance of the theory,a series of experiments were performed including the studies of the sexual hormone and ELS---one of the TCMs which reinforces the vital energy of the kidney. It was found that the decrease in the sexual hormone could change the bony structure including the loss of bone mass, degeneration of the articular cartilage osteoporosis (because of the decrease in the resorption of the inhibitive factor. increase in the bone resorption and insufficience of booe formation. thus resulting in the formation of osteoporosis)and delay in bone healing; and that ELS preparation had a significant influence on the bony structure---such as the reinforcement of the activity and increase in the number of the osteoblasts and shortening of the bone resorption period, thereby resulting in the correction of the ossen change due to decrease in the sexual hormone into normal bony structure and the maintenance of the stability of the bone mass. It has been noted that the influence of ELS on the bone structure will be in the two respects: Firstly. it may regulate the level of the sexual hormone, giving an indirect effect on the bone: secondly, it directly effects the metabolic activity of the bone thereby promoting the bone formation, increasing in bone mass and in the bone mineralizing rate. ELS, therefor, seems to have an ideal therapeutic effect on the treatment of fractures and on the protection of osteoporotic model in the experimental study. It was believd thae bone histomorphometric study could provide some tasic evidence for the theory of Shen Zhu Gu of TCM
英文格式:Shi Guangda,Wu Fei.Experimental studies of bone Histomorphometric basis of Shen (肾) Zhu (主) Gu (骨) Theory[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,1990,3(6):1~5,32
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