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聂鹏飞 NIE Peng-fei 宁波市北仑区人民医院, 浙江 宁波 315800 Ningbo Beilun People's Hospital, Ningbo 315800, Zhejiang, China  
徐远林 XU Yuan-lin 宁波市北仑区人民医院, 浙江 宁波 315800 Ningbo Beilun People's Hospital, Ningbo 315800, Zhejiang, China  
李永甫 LI Yong-fu 宁波市北仑区人民医院, 浙江 宁波 315800 Ningbo Beilun People's Hospital, Ningbo 315800, Zhejiang, China  
张伦 ZHANG Lun 宁波市北仑区人民医院, 浙江 宁波 315800 Ningbo Beilun People's Hospital, Ningbo 315800, Zhejiang, China  
周乾乾 ZHOU Qian-qian 宁波市北仑区人民医院, 浙江 宁波 315800 Ningbo Beilun People's Hospital, Ningbo 315800, Zhejiang, China  
罗坚女 LUO Jian-nyu 宁波市北仑区人民医院, 浙江 宁波 315800 Ningbo Beilun People's Hospital, Ningbo 315800, Zhejiang, China  
郭剑 GUO Jian 宁波市北仑区人民医院, 浙江 宁波 315800 Ningbo Beilun People's Hospital, Ningbo 315800, Zhejiang, China 1142242864@qq.com 

目的: 研究骨密度、钢板弯曲程度及最近端螺钉类型对锁骨钩应力性骨折的影响。

方法: 选择3只雌性45~50 kg猪,取猪肋骨40根。肋骨按照骨密度与骨质坚硬程度分为3组,每组5根,3组均用6孔锁骨钩钢板及3枚锁定螺钉固定。测量当肋骨应力性骨折时的最大扭力。另取15根相同大小粗度的肋骨分为3组,每组5根,分别为正向弯曲组,0°组(钢板表面与肋骨表面夹角)及反向弯曲组,各组均用6孔锁定钢板与3枚锁定螺钉固定,测量肋骨应力性骨折时的最大扭力。再取10根相同大小粗度的肋骨分为2组,分别为普通螺钉组和锁定螺钉组,每组5根。2组均用6孔锁骨钩钢板及3枚螺钉固定。普通螺钉组最近端为普通螺钉,其余2枚为锁定螺钉;锁定螺钉组3枚都是锁定螺钉。测量肋骨应力性骨折的最大扭力。

结果: 骨密度试验中,产生的扭力大小依次为骨质坚硬组(104.51±6.27) N,大于骨量正常组(75.04±3.81) N(t=8.979,P<0.05)。骨量正常组(75.04±3.81) N大于骨质疏松组别(49.99±2.12) N(t=12.832,P<0.05)。钢板弯曲实验中,各组产生的最大扭力大小依次为正向弯曲组(343.59±6.18) N大于0°组(106.01±5.29) N(t=65.279,P<0.05)。0°组(106.01±5.29) N,大于反向弯曲组(95.82±4.12) N(t=3.398,P<0.05)。肋骨最近端为普通螺钉组,其所承受的扭力(98.68±0.70) N,比最近端为锁定螺钉所承受的扭力(50.20±0.95) N更大(t=91.484,P<0.05)。各组数据比较,差异均有统计学意义。

结论: 骨密度、钢板弯曲程度和最近端螺钉类型对锁骨钩钢板应力性骨折有影响。骨密度高,钢板正向弯曲和最近端为普通螺钉均可防止锁骨钩应力性骨折的发生。
【关键词】年龄  应力性骨折  锁骨钩  应力集中  锁骨
A preliminary study of risk factors for the stress fracture in treated with clavicle hook plate

Objective To investigate the effects of bone density,plate bending degree and proximal screw type on the stress fracture of clavicle hook.

Methods Three sows weighing between 45 and 50 kg were selected,from which a total of 40 rivs were collected. The 15 ribs of sows were divided into 3 groups according to bone density and bone hardness with 5 rivs in each group. And then the 3 groups were fixed with 6-hole collarbone hook plates and 3 locking screws. Measure the maximum torsion force when the ribs were fractured by force. The same size 15 rids were divided into 3 groups,named forward bending group,0° group(the angle between the plate surface and the rib surface) and reverse bending group. All fixed with 6-hole collarbone hook plates and locking screws to measure the maximum torsion force of rib stress fracture. Then the same size 10 rids were divided into 2 groups,the normal screw group and the locking screw group with 5 ribs in each group. Both groups were fixed with 6-hole collarbone hook plates and screws. The normal screw group was a normal screw,fixed in proximal end,and two locking screws. The locking screw group was fixed by locking screws. Measure the maximum torsion force of the two groups when the ribs fracture by force.

Results In the bone density experiment,the torque force of hard bone group (104.51±6.27) N was greater than the normal bone group (75.04±3.81) N(t=8.979,P<0.05). The force of normal bone group was greater than the osteoporosis group (49.99±2.12) N(t=12.832,P<0.05). In the bending collarbone hook experiment,the order of the torque force generated by each group as follow:the forward bending group (343.59±6.18) N greater than the 0° group (106.01±5.29) N(t=65.279,P<0.05) greater than the reverse bending group (95.82±4.12) N(t=3.398,P<0.05). The force of the normal screw group (98.68±0.70) N was greater than the locking screw group (50.20±0.95) N(t=91.484,P<0.05). The data comparisons of each group were statistically significant.

Conclusion Bone density,plate bending degree and proximal screw type had an impact on stress fracture of clavicle hook plate. Higher bone density,forward bending of the steel plate,and ordinary screws in proximal end can reduce the rates of stress fractures of clavicle hooks.
KEY WORDS  Age  Stress fracture  Collarbone hook  Stress concentration  Clavicle
英文格式:NIE Peng-fei,XU Yuan-lin,LI Yong-fu,ZHANG Lun,ZHOU Qian-qian,LUO Jian-nyu,GUO Jian.A preliminary study of risk factors for the stress fracture in treated with clavicle hook plate[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2025,38(1):61~65
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