摘要点击次数: 2239   全文下载次数: 820   投稿时间:2021-04-08    
代飞 DAI Fei 四川省骨科医院上肢科, 四川 成都 610041 Department of Upper Limb, Sichuan Provincial Orthopaedic Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China  
杨金松 YANG Jin-song 四川省骨科医院上肢科, 四川 成都 610041 Department of Upper Limb, Sichuan Provincial Orthopaedic Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China  
张清 ZHANG Qing 四川省骨科医院上肢科, 四川 成都 610041 Department of Upper Limb, Sichuan Provincial Orthopaedic Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China  
陈君蓉 CHEN Jun-rong 四川省骨科医院放射科, 四川 成都 610041  
向明 XIANG Ming 四川省骨科医院上肢科, 四川 成都 610041 Department of Upper Limb, Sichuan Provincial Orthopaedic Hospital, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China josceph_xm@sina.com 

目的: 本研究旨在评估三维CT测量肩盂轨迹的可靠性和可重复性。

方法: 由3位独立观察者(肩关节专科医生)通过三维CT评估60例单侧肩关节复发前脱位患者的肩胛盂及Hill-Sachs骨缺损情况,并按Di Giacomo等的方法,将损伤分类,制定手术方案。所有观察者在1周后重复测量。采用组内相关系数(intraclass correlation coefficient,ICC)及变异系数(coefficient of variation,COV)进行可靠性分析。

结果: 在肩胛盂直径及肩胛盂骨缺损的测量中,观察者间的可靠性均为"非常好",对Hill-Sachs间隙的测量,观察者间的可靠性为"好";在肩胛盂缺损程度的评估上观察者间的一致性很高,在Hill-Sachs损伤on-track/off-track的评估上观察者间的一致性较差。肩胛盂直径、肩胛盂骨缺损、Hill-Sachs间隙测量观察者内的可靠性均为"非常好"。肩胛盂直径、肩胛盂骨缺损的COV分别为4.1%和4.4%,Hill-Sachs间隙的COV为21.1%。

结论: 三维CT测量肩胛盂骨缺损的可靠性、可重复性高,但对肱骨头骨缺损的评估显示出较大的可变性,可靠性较差。
【关键词】肩关节  肩脱位  肩盂轨迹  成像,三维
Reliability of three-dimensional CT measurement of glenoid track in patients with recurrent anterior dislocation of shoulder

Objective: To evaluate the reliability and repeatability of three-dimensional (3D)-CT measurement of glenoid track.

Methods: Glenoid and Hill-Sachs bone defects in 60 patients with recurrent anterior dislocation of the unilateral shoulder were evaluated by 3D-CT and analyzed by three independent observers(shoulder orthopedists) according to the Di Giacomo method. These injuries were classified to formulate a surgical protocol. All the patients were repeatedly measured 1 week later. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and coefficient of variation (COV) were used for reliability analysis.

Results: Interobserver reliability was "very good" for both measurements of glenoid diameter and glenoid bone defects,and "good" for measurements of Hill-Sachs interval. Interobserver agreement was high on the assessment of the extent of the glenoid defect, and poor on track/off track assessment of the Hill-Sachs lesion. Intraobserver reliability for measurements of glenoid diameter,glenoid defect,and Hill-Sachs interval was "very good". The COV was 4.1% for glenoid diameter,4.4% for glenoid defect,and 21.1% for Hill-Sachs interval.

Conclusion: The reliability and reproducibility of 3D-CT measurements of glenoid bone defects are good,but the assessment of humeral head bone defects shows large variability with poor reliability.
KEY WORDS  Shoulder joint  Shoulder dislocation  Glenoid track  Imaging,three-dimensional
英文格式:DAI Fei,YANG Jin-song,ZHANG Qing,CHEN Jun-rong,XIANG Ming.Reliability of three-dimensional CT measurement of glenoid track in patients with recurrent anterior dislocation of shoulder[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2021,34(6):492~496
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