半月板三维有限元模型建立及力学分析 |
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作者 | Author | 单位 | Address | E-Mail |
金波 |
JIN Bo |
浙江中医药大学附属江南医院 杭州市萧山区中医院, 浙江 杭州 311201 |
Jiangnan Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University of Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou Xiaoshan TCM Hospital, Hangzhou 311201, Zhejiang, China |
281903251@qq.com |
胡云根 |
HU Yun-gen |
浙江中医药大学附属江南医院 杭州市萧山区中医院, 浙江 杭州 311201 |
Jiangnan Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University of Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou Xiaoshan TCM Hospital, Hangzhou 311201, Zhejiang, China |
韩雷 |
and HAN Lei |
浙江中医药大学附属江南医院 杭州市萧山区中医院, 浙江 杭州 311201 |
Jiangnan Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University of Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou Xiaoshan TCM Hospital, Hangzhou 311201, Zhejiang, China |
期刊信息:《中国骨伤》2020年,第33卷,第8期,第766-770页 |
DOI:10.12200/j.issn.1003-0034.2020.08.016 |
基金项目: |
方法:利用CT和MRI扫描一健康男性志愿者膝关节获得其图像信息,导入至Mimics 10.01及Geomagic Studio软件构建膝关节各组织结构三维模型,利用ANSA软件对结构模型进行组合建立完整的膝关节模型,并对模型进行网格划分,最终建立了完整膝关节三维有限元模型。最后将有限元模型导入到ANSYS软件中,设置材料属性、建立边界条件和施加载荷,进行有限元分析,验证模型有效性,并分析半月板的生物力学特性。
结果:所建立的模型包含膝关节骨、关节软骨、半月板及主要韧带结构,能有效模拟膝关节及半月板的解剖形态及特点。内侧半月板接触面积为771.05 mm2,外侧半月板接触面积为634.31 mm2,内外侧半月板接触面积比为1.216。内外侧半月板的应力分布均匀,但内侧半月板所受应力高于外侧半月板,其峰值应力分别出现在内侧半月板后角及外侧半月板前角,其峰值应力为4.11 MPa。半月板最大位移位于其体部,内侧较外侧形变更大,最大位移形变值为0.33 mm。所获得的力学分析结果于文献相一致,验证了模型的有效性。
结论:本研究所建立的膝关节及半月板有限元模型具有有效性,可为半月板撕裂及半月板切除术等有限元分析研究提供有效的模型。所获得的有限元分析结果能够阐释半月板的部分生物力学机制,为临床半月板损伤和治疗提供理论指导。 |
【关键词】半月板 有限元分析 生物力学 |
Establishment of 3D finite element model of meniscus and its mechanical analysis |
ABSTRACT Objective: To establish a 3D finite element model of normal knee joint involved its meniscus,which can be used to simulate the anatomical morphology and characteristics of human knee joint,to verify the validity of the model by preliminary FEA mechanical analysis,and explain partially biomechanical mechanisms of meniscus.
Methods: CT and MRI data were harvested by scanning the knee joint of a healthy male volunteer,and then these data were imported into Mimics 10.01 software and Geomagic Studio software to constructed the 3D models of tissue structures of knee joint. These models were combined to constructed the 3D model of intact knee joint and meshed in ANSA software. Therefore the finite element model of intact knee joint was established. Finally,after the definition of its material behavior,boundary conditions and loading. The finite element model of knee joint was analyzed and verified using ANSYS software. Meanwhile The biomechanical properties of meniscus were analyzed.
Results: The complete knee finite element model composed of bone,meniscus,articular cartilage,and major ligaments was established. It could effectively simulate the anatomical morphology and characteristics of knee joint and its meniscus. The contact area of medial meniscus was 771.05 mm2,while the contact area of lateral meniscus was 634.31 mm2,and the ratio was 1.216. The stress distribution was uniform,but the stress of the medial meniscus was higher than that of the lateral meniscus,and the peak stress located in the posterior horn of the medial meniscus and the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus,respectively,and the peak stress value was 4.11 MPa. The maximum displacement of the meniscus was located in body,and the displacement of the medial meniscus was more remarkable than that of the lateral meniscus,and the maximum displacement value is 0.33 mm. The obtained finite element analysis results corresponded to that reported in the literature,which mean the model's reliability.
Conclusion: The established finite element model of knee joint are proved to be have validity,and is a useful model for finite element analysis of meniscus tear and menisectomy. The results of finite element analysis can explain partially biomechanical mechanisms of meniscus which can provide theoretical guidance for clinical treatment of meniscus injury. |
KEY WORDS Meniscus Finite element analysis Biomechanics |
引用本文,请按以下格式著录参考文献: |
中文格式: | 金波,胡云根,韩雷.半月板三维有限元模型建立及力学分析[J].中国骨伤,2020,33(8):766~770 |
英文格式: | JIN Bo,HU Yun-gen,and HAN Lei.Establishment of 3D finite element model of meniscus and its mechanical analysis[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2020,33(8):766~770 |
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