摘要点击次数: 2461   全文下载次数: 1306   投稿时间:2014-12-20    
宋兵华 SONG Bing-hua 兰溪市人民医院骨科, 浙江 兰溪 321100 Department of Orthopaedics, Lanxi People′s Hospital, Lanxi 321100, Zhejiang, China song.bh@163.com 
孙俊英 SUN Jun-ying 苏州大学附属第一医院关节外科, 浙江 苏州 215006  
倪增良 NI Zeng-liang 兰溪市人民医院骨科, 浙江 兰溪 321100 Department of Orthopaedics, Lanxi People′s Hospital, Lanxi 321100, Zhejiang, China  
何斌 HE Bin 兰溪市人民医院骨科, 浙江 兰溪 321100 Department of Orthopaedics, Lanxi People′s Hospital, Lanxi 321100, Zhejiang, China  
何建群 HE Jian-qun 兰溪市人民医院骨科, 浙江 兰溪 321100 Department of Orthopaedics, Lanxi People′s Hospital, Lanxi 321100, Zhejiang, China  
邵嵘 SHAO Rong 兰溪市人民医院骨科, 浙江 兰溪 321100 Department of Orthopaedics, Lanxi People′s Hospital, Lanxi 321100, Zhejiang, China  




结论:国人TKA中,股骨后髁的外旋截骨角度应为5°,方能获得更满意的股骨假体旋转对线。STEA与CTEA是两条性质完全不同的轴线,不能以平行于CTEA作为旋转力线的参考标志,国人股骨远端旋转轴之间的可靠性,分别为STEA> APL> PCL,STEA是股骨远端旋转轴线中最可靠的定位标志。
【关键词】股骨  关节成形术,置换,膝  体层摄影技术,X线计算机
Imageology and significances of rotational axes of distal femur on Chinese adults with total knee arthroplasty

Objective:To explore clinical significance of rotational axis of distal femur on Chinese adults in total knee arthroplasty (TKA).

Methods:There were 86 Chinese adults (106 normal knees) including 47 males (53 knees) and 39 females (53 knees),54 knees were on left and 52 on right. The CT scan was employed in the distal femur. The scan direction was aligned to be on the plane perpendicular to the mechanical axis of the femoral. The CT images of cross sections across lateral and medial femoral epicondyle were moved to personal computer,lateral angle between anterior posterior line (APL) and surgical transepicondylar axis (STEA)(ATA),lateral angle between posterior condylar line (PCL) and APL (APA),angle between perpendicularity of APL and PCL (A-PA),posterior condylar angle (PCA),condylar twist angle (CTA),angle between clinical transepicondylar axis (CTEA) and STEA (CSA) were measured. These values were divided into different groups according to gender and side,the values of CTA,PCA,A-PA,angle PT (varus of tibia plateau),constant 3°,ATA,APA and constant 90° were compared by statistically. A-PA and PCA,and CTA were analysed statistically with the liner regression,the relationship among CTEA,STEA,PCL,APL and PLP were performed to assess by liner regression.

Results:ATA was (89.79±1.22)°,APA was (84.84±1.83)°,A-PA was (5.16±1.83)°,PCA was (4.80±1.23)°,CTA was (8.23±1.40)°,CSA was (3.45±0.68)°。 All the parameters had no differences on sex and side,but CSA had difference on male and female. There was no difference among angle PT,PCA,A-PA. There was significant difference in CAT,constant 3° and angle PT,PCA,A-PA. There was no difference between ATA and constant 90°,but there was difference between APA and constant 90°。 There was relativity between PCA and CTA,and also PCA and A-PA,CTA and A-PA. There was significant relativity between STEA and CTEA,between STEA and APL,between STEA and PCL,and also between APLP,APL and PCL,but there was no significant relativity between PCL and CTEA.

Conclusion:TKA for Chinese,the section of femoral posteriorcondyle should be external 5° to obtain the optimum rotational orientation. The property is different entirely between STEA and CTEA,the rotational alignment is not performed according to parallel to the CTEA in distal femur. Among STEA,APL,PCL,the STEA is the most reliable mark of rotational alignment of the distal femur,and the PCL is the less reliable mark.
KEY WORDS  Femur  Arthroplasty,replacement,knee  Tomography,X-ray computed
英文格式:SONG Bing-hua,SUN Jun-ying,NI Zeng-liang,HE Bin,HE Jian-qun,SHAO Rong.Imageology and significances of rotational axes of distal femur on Chinese adults with total knee arthroplasty[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2016,29(1):41~47
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