摘要点击次数: 2403   全文下载次数: 1815   投稿时间:2012-08-19    
赵平 ZHAO Ping 空军总医院全军中西医结合正骨治疗中心, 北京 100142 PLA Clinical Center of Manipulative Orthopedics, PLA Air Force General Hospital, Beijing 100142, China pingzhao@eyou.com 
中文摘要:20世纪末出现了许多关于腰椎间盘突出症患者通过手法等保守治疗使其突出髓核得以还纳的报告, 且大多给予CT影像加以证实。但由于CT复查所发现的突出髓核改变很难消除两次扫描层面不一致而造成的误差, 因而出现争议。近年来, 由于MRI检查的普及, 越来越多的以腰椎MRI为基础的临床报告证实, 腰椎间盘突出症患者的突出髓核的确可能发生回缩或消失。这一新的临床悖论可能引发保守治疗原则的重新探讨。
【关键词】腰椎  椎间盘移位  吸收  磁共振成像
Clinical significance of the spontaneous regression or absorption of protruded nucleus pulposus in the patients with lumbar disc protrusion
ABSTRACT  There were many studies about the regression of protruded nucleus pulposus (PNP) in lumbar disc protrusion (LDP) patient evidenced by CT scanning after conservative therapy at the end of last century. The studies were supposed to prove the effectiveness of the therapy but aroused dispute ever since for that the slice of CT rescanning cannot meet precisely with the previous scanning before the therapy. After the popularity of MRI,the evidence of spontaneous regression of PNP was finally confirmed according to recent clinical and pathological studies about PNP regression detected by MRI. The ambiguity might change the view of traditional principle of conservative therapy on LDP.
KEY WORDS  Lumbar vertebrae  Intervertebral disk displacement  Absorption  Megnetic resonance imaging
英文格式:ZHAO Ping.Clinical significance of the spontaneous regression or absorption of protruded nucleus pulposus in the patients with lumbar disc protrusion[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2013,26(4):314~319
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