摘要点击次数: 2871   全文下载次数: 1711   投稿时间:2012-07-10    
师宁宁 SHI Ning-ning 甘肃省中医院针灸推拿科,甘肃 兰州 730050 Department of Acupuncture and Tuina,Gansu Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou 730050,Gansu,China shingnig@sohu.com 
沈国权 SHEN Guo-quan 上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院推拿科,上海 200437  
何水勇 HE Shui-yong 江西省中医院针灸推拿科,江西 南昌 330019  
郭汝宝 GUO Ru-bao 上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院推拿科,上海 200437  



结果:两侧髂嵴差的均值为(10.34±0.73) mm,髋骨宽度差的均值为(6.73±1.01) mm;髂嵴差的均值较大(P < 0.01),髋骨不等宽出现的频率较高(P < 0.01).腰骶角异常的均值是(7.29±1.86)°,骶嵴左右偏移度的均值是(3.18±0.47)°;腰骶角异常的均值较大(P < 0.01),骶嵴左右偏移的频率较高(P < 0.01).

【关键词】骶髂关节  生物力学  放射摄影术
X-ray characteristics of sacroiliac joint disorders and its clinical significance

Objective:To study the X-ray characteristics of sacroiliac joint disorders and its clinical significance,so as to provide clinical diagnosis basis for Tuina treatment of sacroiliac joint disorder.

Methods:From July 2009 to March 2011,104 patients with sacroiliac joint disorder were reviewed,including 64 males and 40 females,ranging in age from 18 to 81 years,with an average of (45.39 ± 1.30) years. The duration of the disease ranged from 1 to 144 months,with an average of (12.64 ± 2.19) months. One hundred and four pelvic plain films and 97 lumbar spine lateral films of the patients with sacroiliac joint disorder were taken. On the lateral X-ray of lumbar,the sacral horizontal angles(lumbosacral angle) were measured; and on the X-ray of pelvis,the vertical distance of two side iliac crest (iliac crest difference),the distance from lateral border to medial margin of two hips (hip width),the clip angle between sacral spin connection and vertical axis were measured,and then the data were analyzed.

Results:The mean difference of iliac crest was (10.34±0.73) mm; the mean width difference of hip was (6.73±1.01) mm; and the mean difference of the iliac crest was larger than that of mean difference of hip(P < 0.01). The occurrence rate of inequal width of hip was higher(P < 0.01). The mean abnormal lumbosacral angle was (7.29 ± 1.86)°,and the mean angle of sacral crest tilting to left or right was (3.18 ± 0.47) °;the mean abnormal lumbosacral angle was larger than that of angle of sacral crest tilting to left or right(P < 0.01),and the occurrence rate of sacral crest tilting to left or right was higher(P < 0.01).

Conclusion:Sacroiliac joint disorders may be divided into iliac disorders and sacral disorders. The distance of iliac bone is rotating displacement,including anteroposterior rotation displacement,internal and external rotation displacement. The occurrence rate of internal and external rotation is higher than that of anteroposterior rotation;and the distance of the anteroposterior rotation is larger than that of internal and external rotation. The tilting of sacrum includes forward and backward tilting displacement,left and right tilting displacement;the occurrence rate of left and right tilting is higher,and the angle of the forward and backward tilting is larger.
KEY WORDS  Sacroiliac joint  Biomechanics  Radiography
英文格式:SHI Ning-ning,SHEN Guo-quan,HE Shui-yong,GUO Ru-bao.X-ray characteristics of sacroiliac joint disorders and its clinical significance[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2013,26(2):102~106
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