经肌间隙入路单节段固定治疗胸腰椎骨折的临床研究 |
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作者 | Author | 单位 | Address | E-Mail |
王人彦 |
WANG Ren-yan |
富阳市中医骨伤医院,浙江 富阳 311400 |
Hospital of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of TCM of Fuyang City, Fuyang 311400, Zhejiang, China |
zjfygsyy@yahoo.cn |
华永均 |
HUA Yong-jun |
富阳市中医骨伤医院,浙江 富阳 311400 |
Hospital of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of TCM of Fuyang City, Fuyang 311400, Zhejiang, China |
陈金洪 |
CHEN Jin-hong |
富阳市中医骨伤医院,浙江 富阳 311400 |
Hospital of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of TCM of Fuyang City, Fuyang 311400, Zhejiang, China |
柴君雷 |
CHAI Jun-lei |
富阳市中医骨伤医院,浙江 富阳 311400 |
Hospital of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of TCM of Fuyang City, Fuyang 311400, Zhejiang, China |
邵利芳 |
SHAO Li-fang |
富阳市中医骨伤医院,浙江 富阳 311400 |
Hospital of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of TCM of Fuyang City, Fuyang 311400, Zhejiang, China |
赵剑锋 |
ZHAO Jian-feng |
富阳市中医骨伤医院,浙江 富阳 311400 |
Hospital of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of TCM of Fuyang City, Fuyang 311400, Zhejiang, China |
期刊信息:《中国骨伤》2012年,第25卷,第1期,第42-46页 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-0034.2012.01.012 |
基金项目: |
方法:2008年9月至2010年1月,65例符合纳入标准的胸腰椎非完全压缩性或爆裂性单侧终板损伤患者根据随机原则分组,30例采用经肌间隙入路椎弓根钉单节段固定术治疗(治疗组),35例行椎旁肌剥离入路椎弓根钉双节段固定术治疗(对照组),术后10~12个月均取出内固定。观察围手术期的手术时间、术中出血量和术后引流量,末次随访时神经功能ASIA等级改变,术后5 d及末次随访时腰背疼痛Denis分级情况,影像学测量X线侧位片上矢状位指数与椎体前缘高度压缩率,并进行比较分析
结论:在严格掌握手术适应证的前提下,采用经肌间隙入路单节段椎弓根钉固定术治疗胸腰椎骨折,能有效恢复椎体高度和纠正后凸角度,减少固定节段,与传统椎旁肌剥离双节段固定术相比,明显减少了手术创伤与出血,减轻了腰背疼痛。 |
【关键词】脊柱骨折 手术入路 骨折固定术,内 病例对照研究 |
Single-segment pedicle screw fixation for the treatment of thoracolumbar fractures through the gap of paravertebral muscles |
Objective: To compare the clinical effect of thoracolumbar fractures between single-segment pedicle screw fixation approach for the gap of paravertebral muscles and double-segment pedicle screw fixation approach for the stripping of paravertebral muscles.
Methods: From September 2008 to January 2010,65 patients with incomplete compressed thoracolumbar fractures or burst thoracolumbar fractures with unilateral endplate injury were randomly divided into two groups. Thirty patients were treated with single-segment pedicle screw fixation through the gap of paravertebral muscles(treatment group). Thirty-five patients were treated with double-segment pedicle screw fixation through the stripping of the paravertebral muscles (control group). All the internal fixations were taken out during 10-12 months after operation. Operative time,perioperative blood loss volume and postoperative drainage volume were compared between two groups. At final follow-up,the change of neurological ASIA grade were recorded;and postoperative 5 days and final follow-up,compared Denis classification of lumbar and back pain between two groups;and analyzed the sagittal index and compressibility of anterior border of vertebral body by X-ray lateral projection.
Results: All patients were follow-up from 14 to 22 months with an average of 18.3 months. No postoperative infection,secondary spinal cord injury was found. One case of control group occurred internal fixation breakage at the 11th month after operation and other internal fixation no loosening. There was no significant difference in operative time,the recovery of neurological function between the two groups(P>0.05). Perioperative blood loss volume and postoperative drainage volume of treatment group was less than that of control group(P<0.01). And in Denis classification of lumbar and back pain,the treatment group recovered more quickly,and the residual pain of lumbar and back was less than that of control group(P<0.01). Postoperative posterior salient and compression of anterior border of vertebral body improved in two groups(P<0.01),there was no significant difference in degree of improvement between two groups(P>0.05);but both loss existed at final follow-up (P<0.01),there was no significant difference in loss of posterior salient between two groups(P>0.05). In the treatment group,the loss of rectify of anterior border of vertebral body existed,but it was less than that of the control group.
Conclusion: In the premise of strict controlling surgery indications,the treatment of thoracolumbar fractures with single-segment pedicle screw fixation through the gap of paraspinal muscles,can effectively recover the height of vertebral body and rectify posterior salient,and reduce the fixed segment. Compared with the traditional operative method of double-segment pedicle screw fixation through the stripping of paraspinal muscle,it can obviously reduce the operation wound and the bleeding,lessen the pain of lumbar and back. And the recent clinical effect is satisfied. |
KEY WORDS Spinal fractures Operative approach Fracture fixation,internal Case control studies |
引用本文,请按以下格式著录参考文献: |
中文格式: | 王人彦,华永均,陈金洪,柴君雷,邵利芳,赵剑锋.经肌间隙入路单节段固定治疗胸腰椎骨折的临床研究[J].中国骨伤,2012,25(1):42~46 |
英文格式: | WANG Ren-yan,HUA Yong-jun,CHEN Jin-hong,CHAI Jun-lei,SHAO Li-fang,ZHAO Jian-feng.Single-segment pedicle screw fixation for the treatment of thoracolumbar fractures through the gap of paravertebral muscles[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2012,25(1):42~46 |
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