摘要点击次数: 2425   全文下载次数: 1502   投稿时间:2007-11-28    
刘铁龙 LIU Tie-long 上海长征医院骨科,上海 200003 Changzheng Hospital of Shanghai,Shanghai 200003,China  
章允志 ZHANG Yun-zhi 浙江台州珠光医院  
严望军 YAN Wang-jun 海长征医院骨科,上海 200003 Changzheng Hospital of Shanghai,Shanghai 200003,China  
李家顺 LI Jia-shun 海长征医院骨科,上海 200003 Changzheng Hospital of Shanghai,Shanghai 200003,China  
袁文 YUAN Wen 海长征医院骨科,上海 200003 Changzheng Hospital of Shanghai,Shanghai 200003,China  


方法:6例新鲜寰枢椎复合体标本(枕骨-C3).在WD-5力学试验机上,分别测量正常寰枢椎复合体(N组)、寰枢椎不稳(M组)以及不稳时行寰枢椎Brooks 法新型钛缆固定(A组)、Atlas钛缆固定(B组)、Songer钛缆固定(C组)、钢丝固定(D组)的寰枢椎复合体抗旋转刚度和强度的大小。

结果:A、B、C、D组最大扭矩分别为12.5、11.3、11.52、11.55 N·m,抗扭刚度分别为58.81、53.17、54.11、54.35 N·cm/deg,新型双向锁定式钛缆(A组)在相同锁紧拉力条件下抗扭转强度最高,同各内固定组与正常组(N组)相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).

【关键词】颈椎  寰枢关节  骨折固定术,内  生物力学
Anti-rotation biomechanical study of wire and various cable system in the posterior Brooks instrumentation for atlantoaxial instability

Objective: To compare the anti-rotation biomechanical performances of wire and various cable fixation devices currently used in the posterior Brooks instrumentation for atlantoaxial instability.

Methods: In this experiment,six specimens of the atlantoaxial complex(Occipital-C3) were used. The models of the normal complex,unstable complex(type II odontoid fracture) and fixed complex were established. On the WD-5 mechanics experimental machine,the parameters including the strength and rigidity of anti-rotation were quantified for the normal complex(group N),the atlantoaxial instability complex(group M),the new type Titanium cable (group A),Atlas titanium cable(group B),Songer Titanium cable(group C),stainless wire(group D).

Results: The max strength of A,B,C,D groups was 12.5,11.3,11.52,11.55 N·m respectively,the max rigidity was 58.81,53.17, 54.11,54.35 N·cm/deg respectively. The strength and rigidity of anti-rotation,compare to the unstable atlantoaxial complex which were fixed by the new double locking Titanium cable fixation system were superior to those of normal complex,instability complex,Songer or Atlas Titanium cable(P<0.05).

Conclusion: Having been changed the locking method,the anti-rotation biomechanical characteristics of the new type double locking Titanium cable fixation system are superior or similar to the traditional Songer or Atlas Titanium cable.
KEY WORDS  Cervical vertebrae  Atlantoaxial joint  Fracture fixation,internal  Biomechanics
英文格式:LIU Tie-long,ZHANG Yun-zhi,YAN Wang-jun,LI Jia-shun,YUAN Wen.Anti-rotation biomechanical study of wire and various cable system in the posterior Brooks instrumentation for atlantoaxial instability[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2008,21(8):570~572
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