摘要点击次数: 2124   全文下载次数: 1302   投稿时间:2007-09-03    
彭伟雄 PENG Wei-xiong 广州医学院荔湾医院骨科,广东 广州 510170 Department of Orthopaedics,Liwan Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College,Guangzhou 510170,Guangdong,China pengweixiong1966@126.com 
张志 ZHANG Zhi 广州医学院荔湾医院骨科,广东 广州 510170 Department of Orthopaedics,Liwan Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College,Guangzhou 510170,Guangdong,China  
梁洁红 Liang Jie-hong 广州医学院荔湾医院骨科,广东 广州 510170 Department of Orthopaedics,Liwan Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College,Guangzhou 510170,Guangdong,China  


方法:113例胫骨近端骨折被随机分成2组:A组纵向弧形或S形等传统术式组62例,按Schatzker分类法:Ⅱ~Ⅵ型分别为25,10,16,6和5例;B组膝前髌骨下T形切口术式组共51例,Ⅱ~Ⅵ型分别为21,8,13,5和4例。术后通过SPSS 10.0数据处理软件比较两组手术时间、手术的出血量、住院时间、骨折临床愈合时间(下地时间)、骨折骨性愈合时间、并发症和膝关节功能恢复情况。

结果:A组随访60例,时间12~24个月,平均(16.42±1.22)个月;B组随访50例,时间12~24个月,平均(16.50±1.52)个月。①手术时间:B组比A组平均手术时间长,差异有统计学意义(P <0.01).②手术出血量:两组差异无统计学意义。③住院时间:两组差异无统计学意义。④骨折临床愈合时间(下地时间):B组下地活动时间短于A组(P<0.01).⑤骨折骨性愈合时间:B组骨性愈合快(P<0.01).⑥膝关节功能:按Rasmussen膝关节评分标准进行功能评分,术后6个月骨折愈合,8个月功能情况良好,Rasmussen膝关节功能评分为优,B组膝关节功能恢复优于A组(P<0.01).⑦术后并发症:A组关节粘连8例,关节僵硬3例,创伤性关节炎3例;B组关节粘连2例,创伤性关节炎1例,两组比较,B组并发症少于A组(P<0.05).

【关键词】胫骨骨折  外科手术  膝关节  随机对照试验
The randomized controlled trial of influences of T shape approach on the function of knee joint in the treatment of proximal tibial fractures

Objective: To investigate the clinical value of T shape approach in the treatment of proximal tibial fractures.

Methods: One handrend and thirteen patients of proximal tibial fractures were randomly divided into two groups. Group A:62 cases underwent the traditional exposure approach. According to Schatzker classification,the cases of Ⅱto Ⅵ type was 25,10,16,6,5 respectively. Group B:51 cases underwent T shape approach ahead of knee joint,the cases of Ⅱto Ⅵ type was 21,8,13,5,4 respectively. All data were analyzed by SPSS 10.0 to compare operation time,blood loss,duration of hospitalization,healing time,the time of osseous union and complications after operation.

Results: Sixty patients in group A and 50 patients in group B were followed-up from 12 to 24 months. ①Operation time:group B was longer than A(P<0.01).②Mean blood loss and duration of hospitalization was the same .③Clinical healing time:group B was shorter. ④Mean time of osseous union:group B was shorter. ⑤Function of knee:group B was better than group A. ⑥Complication:group B was less than group A.

Conclusion: As compared with traditional exposure approach,T shape approach of knee joint had advantages of small scar,fewer complications,faster union of fracture and earlier recovery of joint function. The approach is valuable for the treatment of proximal tibial fractures.
KEY WORDS  Tibial fractures  Surgical procedures,operative  Knee joint  Randomized controlled trials
英文格式:PENG Wei-xiong,ZHANG Zhi,Liang Jie-hong.The randomized controlled trial of influences of T shape approach on the function of knee joint in the treatment of proximal tibial fractures[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2008,21(4):264~266
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