全髋置换术后假体周围骨溶解 |
摘要点击次数: 3288
全文下载次数: 1771
期刊信息:《中国骨伤》2008年,第21卷,第3期,第240-242页 |
DOI:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-0034.yyyy.nn.zzz |
基金项目:杭州市医药卫生科技计划项目(编号:2006B083) |
中文摘要:假体置换术后周围骨溶解是关节置换术后的并发症之一,全髋置换术后假体周围骨溶解一旦发生,会严重影响髋关节的功能与稳定性,因此需要对全髋置换术后假体周围骨溶解的机制有充分的认识,在诊断上还没有一个统一的标准,有必要对术后的关节功能进行评分。二磷酸盐在防治全髋置换术后假体周围骨溶解方面有积极意义,但仍未广泛应用于临床。本文以髋关节置换为切入点,对假体周围骨溶解作简要综述。 |
【关键词】关节成形术,置换,髋 手术后并发症 骨质溶解 综述文献 |
Periprosthetic osteolysis following the total hip arthroplasty |
ABSTRACT The periprosthetic osteolysis is one of the complications of artificial joint replacement. The function and the stability of the hip joint will be severely affected once the periprosthetic osteolysis occurred postoperatively,so it's necessary to fully recognize the mechanism of the osteolysis. There is no globally accepted diagnostic standard of this disease,and then,the grading of the postoperative hip joint function is indispensable. The using of diphosphonate to prevent the osteolysis has positive significance,but it is not broadly used in clinical. Taking the periprosthetic osteolysis of hip arthroplasty as the central,this article shows a briefly overview of this subject. |
KEY WORDS Arthroplasty replacement,hip Postoperative complications Osteolysis Review literature |
引用本文,请按以下格式著录参考文献: |
中文格式: | 祖罡,毕大卫,费骏.全髋置换术后假体周围骨溶解[J].中国骨伤,2008,21(3):240~242 |
英文格式: | ZU Gang,BI Da-wei,FEI Jun.Periprosthetic osteolysis following the total hip arthroplasty[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2008,21(3):240~242 |
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