摘要点击次数: 2491   全文下载次数: 1521   投稿时间:2007-09-15    
钟红刚 ZHONG Hong-gang 北京工业大学生命学院,北京 100022
College of Life Science & Bioengineering Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100022,China  
刘卫华 LIU Wei-hua 中国中医科学院骨伤科研究所  
卜海滨 BU Hai-bin 中国中医科学院骨伤科研究所  
钱民全 QIAN Min-quan 中国科学院力学研究所  

目的:探讨采用工程材料力学中抗弯梁的力学模型,通过兔胫骨三点弯测试, 获得整骨材料力学测试方法实用的力学参数。

方法:采用10只正常成年大耳白兔下肢骨标本,共10对胫骨,行三点弯力学测试。作为骨的三维实体模型建立后,虚拟加载的一种实验对比模式。支承跨距为80 mm.

结果:得到10对正常大耳白兔胫骨抗弯力学参数。胫骨最大载荷所对应的加载点挠度平均值右侧(2.737±0.262) mm,左侧(2.739±0.233) mm;胫骨的最大载荷(代表抗弯强度)的平均值右侧(17.803±2.675) kg,左侧(18.366±2.653) kg;胫骨最大载荷前载荷-挠度曲线下面积平均值右侧(23.829±4.413) kg·mm,左侧(24.725±4.101) kg·mm;胫骨载荷~挠度曲线线性部分斜率(代表抗弯刚性)平均值右侧(7.545±1.310) kg/mm,左侧(7.631±1.174) kg/mm.

【关键词】胫骨  三点弯测试    生物力学
Revealing mechanical property of intract rabbit tibia in three-point bending test

Objective: To explore the mechanical property of intact long bone through three-point bending test of rabbit tibia according to mechanics of materials.

Methods: Ten pairs of normal rabbits tibia were treated on three-point bending test with 80 mm supporting distance in order to corroborate the virtual loading test on bone model.

Results: Bending stiffness and strength of 10 pairs of normal rabbit tibia were obtained. The maximum flexibility of the right and the left tibia was(2.737±0.262) mm and(2.739±0.233) mm respectively. The maximum load,which indicated the bending strength,of the right and the left tibia was(17.803±2.675) kg and (18.366±2.653) kg respectively. The area under the load-flexibility curve before fail of the right and the left tibia was(23.829±4.413) kg/mm and(24.725±4.101) kg·mm respectively. The slope of the load-flexibility curve which indicate the stiffness of the right and the left tibia was(7.545±1.310) kg/mm and(7.631±1.174) kg·mm respectively.

Conclusion: The discrepancy between different animal body is larger than conventionally required. It's suggested for performing three-point bending test of long bone of the body both sides in pair.
KEY WORDS  Tibia  Three-point bending test  Rabbits  Biomechanics
英文格式:ZHONG Hong-gang,LIU Wei-hua,BU Hai-bin,QIAN Min-quan.Revealing mechanical property of intract rabbit tibia in three-point bending test[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2008,21(2):103~105
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