摘要点击次数: 2181   全文下载次数: 1271   投稿时间:2004-05-19    
王承祥 WANG Cheng-xiang 甘肃省中医院骨科,甘肃兰州730050 Department of Orthopaedics,Gansu Province Hospital of TCM  
赵振文 ZHAO Zhen-wen 甘肃省中医院骨科,甘肃兰州730050 Department of Orthopaedics,Gansu Province Hospital of TCM  
柳海平 LIU Hai-ping 甘肃省中医院骨科,甘肃兰州730050 Department of Orthopaedics,Gansu Province Hospital of TCM  
李卫平 LI Wei-ping 甘肃省中医院骨科,甘肃兰州730050 Department of Orthopaedics,Gansu Province Hospital of TCM  
张亚维 ZHANG Ya-wei 甘肃省中医院骨科,甘肃兰州730050 Department of Orthopaedics,Gansu Province Hospital of TCM  
师伟 SHI Wei 甘肃省中医院骨科,甘肃兰州730050 Department of Orthopaedics,Gansu Province Hospital of TCM  



结果:BMI与术前及术后的评分之间存在线性相关。手术前后评分之差与BMI间的回归系数b=-1.79,有统计学意义(P<0.01),且|b|>1,说明手术前后的评分之差受BMI的影响,BMI越小者,手术前后评分差越大,反之评分差越小。术后的评分与BMI间相关系数r=-0715,回归系数b=-263,说明BMI越大,评分越低。当术后评分等于75.00时,BMI=24.00,其95%的CI为(23.608 33,24.307 60)。

【关键词】骨关节炎,膝  截骨术  畸形  治疗结果  人体质量指数
Correlation between surgical outcomes and body mass index in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee combined with genu varum treated by high tibial osteotomy

Objective:To investigate the correlation between surgical outcomes and body mass index(BMI) in patients who underwent high tibial osteotomy for osteoarthritis of the knee with genu varum.

Methods:One hundred and ten patients(136 knees)underwent operative treatment for high tibial osteotomy were followed up consecutively.The height and body weight of each patient was measured and recorded preoperatively.The BMI was calculated by the following formula.BMI=weight/height2(kg/m2).A questionnaire evaluation form was designed according to the 6 scoring standards put forward by Japanese Orthopaedic Association.To analyze BMI with preoperatively and postoperatively scoring.

Results:Linear correlation was between BMI and scoring.There was statistical significance(P<0.01,|b|>1)between minus of scoring and coneficient(b=-1.79)in BMI.The minus of scoring was significantly influenced by BMI.The less BMI was,the higher the minus of scoring was.The postoperatively scoring was seventy-five and BMI was 24.00,there was ninety-five percent of CI showed(23.608 33,24.307 60).

Conclusion:Highter BMI or obesity exerts negative influence on the results of operative treatment of high tibial osteotomy.The BMI not more than 24 is the standard of indication of surgery.
KEY WORDS  Osteoarthritis,knee  Osteotomy  Abnormalities  Treatment outcome  Body mass index
英文格式:WANG Cheng-xiang,ZHAO Zhen-wen,LIU Hai-ping,LI Wei-ping,ZHANG Ya-wei,SHI Wei.Correlation between surgical outcomes and body mass index in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee combined with genu varum treated by high tibial osteotomy[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,2004,17(12):711~713
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