异种脱蛋白BMP复合骨修复骨缺损实验研究 |
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投稿时间:1995-01-09 修订日期:1995-12-20
期刊信息:《中国骨伤》1996年,第9卷,第5期,第10-12页 |
DOI:doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-0034.yyyy.nn.zzz |
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中文摘要:异种骨移植常由于强烈的免疫排斥反应失败。本文报告将小牛骨经脱蛋白处理(即脱去主要的抗原物质),后再复合进去骨形成蛋白(bovineBone Morphogenetic protein,简称b-BMP)使其成为既无抗原性,又利于骨形成的异种脱蛋白BMP复合骨。将其植入新西兰白兔尺骨缺损(2cm),观察愈合结果。免疫学、放射学和组织学检查表明,植入异种脱蛋白BMP复合骨,各组实验动物术后无任何免疫反应。4周均显示植入骨与骨床界线模糊,8周植入骨内可见大量成片新生骨细胞及新生血管长入。实验结果表明经处理后的大块异种骨移植,不但无任何免疫排斥反应,且可达到预期修复骨缺损的目的。 |
【关键词】骨形成蛋白 异种骨移植 |
Experimental reseach on the restoration of bone defact with the complex of helorogenous deproteinized bone and the bone morphogenetic protein |
ABSTRACT The filure of the implantation of the heterogenous deproteinized bone is always due to the intensive immune rejection.A new method for treating heterogenous bone was discribed in this paper. The bone of calf was deproteinized, i. e. extracted the main antigens and combined with bovine bone morphogenetic protein (BMMP)and then produced a kind of heterogenous deproteinized bone,not only without antigenicity, but also advanta-
genus to the bone formation. Implanting this kinds o6 bone comples into the artificial defact (2cm) of the radius of IVewzeland rabbit, the observation on the recovery with immunological,radioactive, and histological methods, demonstrated that there was without any immuse rejection in various kinds of experimental groups and there was indistinct margin between the implant and the fracture hed at 4th week;There were a great
amount of lamella of new osteocytes and neogenetic vessels invension into the implant,at the 8th week.The experimental result indicates that the large heterogenous bone implantation, treaed beforehand, can not only without any immune rejection,but also can achieve the expected restoration. |
KEY WORDS Bone morphogenetic protein Heterogenous bone implatation |
引用本文,请按以下格式著录参考文献: |
中文格式: | 白孟海,葛宝丰,王勇,陈东安.异种脱蛋白BMP复合骨修复骨缺损实验研究[J].中国骨伤,1996,9(5):10~12 |
英文格式: | Bai Meng-hai,Ge Bao-feng,Wang Yong.Experimental reseach on the restoration of bone defact with the complex of helorogenous deproteinized bone and the bone morphogenetic protein[J].zhongguo gu shang / China J Orthop Trauma ,1996,9(5):10~12 |
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